As most of the guys on here said, you won't get it to the states and not have to worry about getting caught unless the car's 25 years old. I thought about trying to go through Canada since I can get a Canadian title on it and drive it over the border but low and behold... it's not that simple haha. NTM, even with a conversion kit, you're still going to have problems since everything's placed on the car to be driven on the left side of the road, not the right like in the US. I'm am American living in Iraq, based out of Misawa, Japan and on to England for my next base for the USAF. If there was a way to get my Supra to the states, I'd do it... but it's either going to cost an arm and a leg (to crash 3 of the same Supra) or you'll get it in illegally for a shit ton of money just to get caught later and loose it all. Sorry bud BUT welcome Good people on this site and if there's a loop hole in getting it imported, Jurgen will be the man to speak too!