Not sure how many folks on here listen to this type of music but I thought I'd put it out there and see if anyone was up for coming with... Check out YouTube for songs City Of Evil, Gorgeous Nightmare, 10 Miles Wide, and Issues. Here's the website to purchase the tickets: It shows all of the venues but I'll be going to the one closest to Huntingdon which will probably be the Nottingham event as I'm having to go up after work and go to work the next day. I want to buy the tickets in the next week or so. I'll get the lot if anyone's up for it and you can pay me when we meet or you can buy your own ticket. Not sure if they are going to be numbered seats or a general standing area but we'll figure it out when the time comes. It'll be a good time!!!! These guys are awesome and one of my favorite bands so I'm definitely going, no matter what!!