Been a while since last update and a lot has been going on.
So after receiving all the bits for my ridox rear end, it was time to get it installed.
Started by stripping off the old veilside arches and cleaning up the old sealer and surface rust where the old arches had rubbed through the paint.
Then applied some new sealant to protect the welds and seal up old rivet holes.
Followed by some primer
And finished off with a coat of Super white II 040, but forgot to grab some pics. Wasn't the best paint job in the world, but it's hidden by the new arches. At least the arches are rust free and re-sealed, so shouldn't have to worry about that for another few years.
Next was to strip off the rear end, so a stock bumper could be fitted.
Kinda wish I had spent some time to paint the bumper looking back on it now, but I was impatient and didn't have enough paint, so I'll have to return to painting it another time.
I then rivnutted the rear arch kit on, held in with small countersunk bolts.
Really need to grab some better photos, but the finished product with the new skirts and rear end looked like:
With all that done, it was time for an MOT. Took it to a new MOT garage and the tester was quite strict, failing for silly things like missing rear fog light and rear seat belts.
He did however identify that my passengerside front lower arm balljoint was really fooked, which I'm thankful for. So it was back to the garage to get a new arm on.
Stuck a temporary fog light on the rear and removed my back seats entirely and went through the next MOT with no issues.