As above guys.
i previously brought an item from a trader on the forum, the item was sent to my mums work address as i work away weeks at a time, when i got home i was told that my parcel had arrived, once i got a spare minute i got round to opening all my parcels. when i opened the packaging it was to my astonishment that the item i have PAID for WASN'T in the packaging. I have spoken to the trader about this and all i keep getting told is that i have signed for it so he isn't interested, im lead to believe that you sign to say you have received the parcel as a hole (ie when i deliver people sign to say they have received the goods) he clearly stated that i'm lying and trying to pull a fast one, i asked if it was possible that the item could have possibly slid out of the packaging due to only being a flat piece of metal plate and he replied that this isn't possible due to the fact that all ends WERE SEALED when i can clearly see that this wasn't the case, i believe that the item wast packaged properly (securely), i was then told that i can then PAY for another one for half the price, when i haven't even got the one that i have paid for, i tried to reason with the seller but all i get told i that its been signed for, surely this isn't right. PICS TO FOLLOW