So, one of my on going projects is nearing it's release.
Which mean I'd start looking at clear lenses again.
My initial thoughts, would be to include the rubber piece, as part of the lenses. Painted black, so no risk of them growing old.
Would be around £400 a set I'm thinking.
You can buy a new set of facelift or prefacelift from Nengun for £230+. Shipping is £70+. Plus VAT 20%. Plus any importation charges on top. So on the face of it, new lenses from there isn't going to be any cheaper by the time you've got them in your head.
These will be plug and play may I add. No cut out the exterior of the lenses. Just bumping this thread as still get people asking me if I've any clear lenses for sale. Would be great to offer a replacement lens, as not everyone wants new lights.
To re-iterate, these will fit Facelift or Prefacelift and be clear, no lines. I could make them for UK sets, but would be a little more expensive due to development cost.
Thoughts welcome!