Convoy meeting details
meeting at NN12 6TQ it's a Macdonald's/BP garage
Meeting there at 07:00, leave 07:15 convoy into Silverstone
Map has been published and he have a good spot arena 10 just behind trade stands 1
Hi All,
Thank you for having patience with me. I am going to rebuild this thread. I am going to start by including the email conversation that I have had with Kelsey Media in regards to the club stand location, which will hopefully put some minds at ease & then get on with the details on how to book tickets.
Email Chain
Hopefully this will mean that we are going to get something decent & not stuck out in the bumblef*ck regions of the circuit.
Right here are the details
Japfest 2018
Sunday 5th May
Silverstone Circuit
Site for booking is: Book Club Tickets
You will need to select "MKIV Supra Owners Club" from the drop down. For the password please send me a PM & I will send you the password.
Ticket Delivery Details
Details & Prices.
This year it is going to be a limited edition cap & guide over the hoodies / t-shirts. So when you select your ticket you will get the choice to add them
Camping Add On - For those that want to stay the night before
Vehicle Details
Feature Add On
After that just follow the details through the other screens.
I really do hope that people will not be put off after what happened last year & make it another great turn out.
I will update this post with a list of those that are interested & those that have paid. So please can you reply again if you are interested as I don't want to miss anyone off.
Paid List
Guys sorry this is names over screen names as there is now a mix of those on the forum & those from Facebook. Overall we have 19 cars booked on, which is good going & hopefully secure us a something decent in regards to where we will be placed. Well I bloody hope so!!
Update Andrew King
Corren Smith
Danny Watt
Domonic Conway-Lee
Gary England
Jamaine Jacobs
Jeremy Denn
John Bailey
Lewis Bithell
Little Liam
Luke Plant
Mark Cattle
Matt Littler
Michael Clift
Nathan Hooper
Nikolas Koukis
Sam Cross
Shane Matson
Zak Jones
I believe that Ric is trying to get a ticket transferred to him, once I know that has been done I will update that. For those that have not yet sent me their mobile number please PM me as I need to add you to the WhatsApp group chat, I know some of us have already started talking about the convoys, I don't want people to get left out.
I would love for us to all roll in together, so any ideas on a central meeting place, I know that there is a travel lodge / BP garage only a few miles from Silverstone, so let me know
Many Thanks