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Everything posted by Supra-duper

  1. You've come this far, I wouldn't rush it at the last hurdle. Will be great to see it whenever it is complete
  2. I'll be at Cars in the Park Sunday if your there mate, won't be out to much asides from that though as I'm currently out of work so needing to find something job wise asap unfortunately. Oh, and yes I was very, very drunk
  3. I'd love to mate, but if I'm honest I'd probably buy something American to begin with. Would love a classic trans am, aka Smokey & The Bandit style.
  4. No major update here but gave her a well deserved clean. Travelled 600+ miles in her now and everything seems sweet so going to stick with this engine and aim for a na-t build. Unless someone can tempt me with something american and v8 then I may be tempted to sell before that happens Next to fit is the active front spoiler lip that's been waiting to go on. Considering gutting the second cat as well seen as it's rattling, must be the amount of times the exhaust has caught the floor. Also got a show coming up this Sunday, Cars in the Park 2012 at Beacon Park, Lichfield.
  5. Cheers mate, you see it in Morrisons car park or Bentley Bridge? unfortunately it's looking rather dirty at the minute along with hundreds of flies on the front from a recent spirited drive to Wales. Just about to clean her all up again though today
  6. Thanks mate! It looks a different car now it's all built up, I love it I'll be attending Suprapod so hopefully you'll see it there. As soon as Suprapod is out the way and I've done some leisurely runs up the 1/4 mile I'll start hunting down power to go with the looks!
  7. Cheers mate, yours will be here soon though
  8. Off on holiday later tonight/early hours of tomorrow morning so been rushed for time but I've managed to get the car on the road. It's far from finished, active front lip still to fit etc. but it's getting there Dyed carpets, dyed headlining, seats etc. all re-fitted: Rear all stripped out and painted black: Motoria cat-back exhaust system polished up: Rear arches cut, undersealed and rear wheels spaced 10mm: Finally just a couple of random pictures: Pretty happy with how it's coming along, I've done a few other bits I haven't wrote down such as removing rear window tints, new number plates and so on. There's still loads left to do yet, it will be going a little bit lower yet and then it's time to start on the interior and engine. Hopefully make it's debut at Suprapod
  9. Sounds like that will be great to watch! a 957bhp FTO
  10. I assume a silly amount of nitrous would help get you there. For reference my BPU auto clocked 0-60 in 4.92 seconds with 404.9bhp, so I'm guessing your going to need serious power to get a 4.5, I'd use drag radials and maybe a high stall torque convertor if your auto.
  11. Much appreciated, wish I'd of seen this earlier, I could of had my thread as a proper project thread then.
  12. I like your Evo mate, it is the same colour scheme as my Supra on what looks to be the same wheels! Check the link in my signature and you'll see what I mean if you skip to the end.
  13. Cheers mate, it's nothing extreme just to give an extra 4-5mm of clearance so I'm not scared to take passengers or go round a corner enthusiastically lol. With the paint being so recent it will still be soft to an extent so shouldn't crack, but we shall see. They have talked about cutting the arch lip out instead which is a possibility but we will see come Tuesday If the weather stays dry tomorrow she will be getting the interior painted, front finished off with active spoiler lip etc. and then cleaned up for some semi-finished pictures!
  14. Last few days has been persisting it down so stopped a lot of progress such as painting the insides, but I have managed to finish up cleaning all the arches, fitting the coilovers and a cheeky test fit of the rear wheels. The coilovers are BC Racing supplied by Whiftbitz, and I would recommend dealing with them to anyone - excellent service and excellent coilovers. Rears fitted and greased all the threads: Fronts fitted and greased: Couple of pics of the rear lowered down: This shows the arch clearance with a 9.5J ET30 rear wheel fitted with a 255/35/18 Falken FK452: Needless to say the arches are booked in to be rolled next Tuesday, all four are being done, I just hope the paint doesn't get damaged as I really should of had it done before it was painted Tomorrow should see it on all four wheels with a few pictures
  15. Looks great mate, cant decide between the active spoiler lip or one of these but yours looks stunning in that picture!!
  16. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?270348-The-Ruby-Lichfield-Meet You should definitely start getting your car out! I've never seen it and you live five minutes away
  17. Yes mate, can't wait! which reminds me I need to purchase my ticket now before I forget!
  18. Yeah mate white one went a few months ago, it's now in Milton Keynes awaiting a new engine with big single conversion. Some 'tuning' company bought it to drop there engine into it and track it. Never heard off the bloke since though so not sure what happened with it You should get yourself along to the mini-meet at the Ruby the end of this month, if you need a lift there then you are welcome to jump in with me seen as your so local.
  19. Thanks! I'm kind of torn between it being a Japanese tax disc or the date it was due for import as both would make sense. I think the tax disc idea makes the most sense and I'm definitely keeping it, adds character if I find out for sure I'll let you know mate
  20. Either way mate it's certainly a fast car, my long term goal is to able to keep up with a GTR, especially as there seems to be getting quite a few of them locally.
  21. Cheers! will you be at Suprapod this year in yours?
  22. I think as a general rule, manufactures quote flywheel bhp figures mate
  23. Tell me about it hopefully they won't damage the paint.
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