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Everything posted by TheTurtleshead

  1. Today I did this!! I had to drop the subframe to allow me to fit my -8 Hard line in place of the stock fuel feed. I copied the stock setup of a rubber hose from the top of the tank to the hard line above the sub frame, and then a hard line to the filter. Hard line straightened out: New hard line is a -8 copy of the stock 5/16 feed: I replaced the filter with an large bore Aeromotive one. which allows me to go -8 straight into one end of the rail. I also fitted my custom pump hanger with Bosch 044 installed and ready to go.
  2. Fuel Pressure Regulator has been mounted in a similar style to the oil cooler, on it's own private plinth!
  3. The 'Glue' is supposed to be there. It's silicone sealant used to stop the front main caps leaking, it's not an oil groove it's a groove to give the sealant somewhere to form a ridge. Cams looks dead to me, as does just about eveything else. Sorry for your loss bud!
  4. Took advantage of a nice sunny day today, and worked out how to mount my oil cooler. I've had these bits of aluminium lurking in the garage for almost a year for this very job. I just need to make up some ducting from the scoop on the bumper now. Also toying with the idea of adding a tiny little kenlowe fan to aid cooling when in traffic etc.
  5. 6266, don't want 900HP lol! Yeah I wasn't expecting to be able to purchase yet as I've just resigned from work. I got lucky with a new job popping up straight away though... So game on!! POWEEERRR!!
  6. 'Paddy Patel' - Wonder how the salesman ended up with a name like that!
  7. Seconded, what's the place called?
  8. Stop spending it all on shiny bits that make it heavier and slow it down then!
  9. Power, power, power, power!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give this car more power!!!
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't do that, it's so sad! Just call it something sensible, I.e. What it is!
  11. Lowering a touch is a must I agree! I do love banded stocks with a set of spacers to push the offset out! Not sure I could bring myself to trust that setup though!
  12. Stock FTW! https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10919019_10205568842281966_2642040025557405452_n.jpg?oh=ce3129059bba7a3cf6d34bd21ada1a26&oe=55613F6F&__gda__=1432459322_8bc507bd6e2947d5c126a556dd8da24b
  13. You have to drill out the spot welds holding the transmission cover to the centre tunnel. Then you need to fit a manual transmission cover, preferably by welding. The transmission tunnel section is available new from toyota for about £100. Don't use a hammer, you'll just make a mess, you owe it to the car to do it right!
  14. The same garage in Portugal are also responsible for killing the first engine, which was completely standard, and apparently healthy before the work was undertaken? I believe it was something to do with the Oil cooler kit? Installing a one way valve the wrong way round or something similar, I could never make out exactly what had happened. To be honest after that, id have taken the car somewhere else.
  15. Does it have a standard or aftermarket blow off valve?
  16. The stock clutch is light, so the effect will be lessoned. I'd still never get into the habit of starting any car with the clutch down. I think the fact that modern manufacturers do it is probably to do with Americans who can't drive a manual, and they don't want to get sued when someone pins their neighbour against a wall by starting it in gear.
  17. Very nice...! I like! Are autos easier to map now with the syvecs gearbox control strategy over the stock ECU?
  18. Startup is when most wear occurs on an engine. There is little to no oil pressure upon first cranking, so inadequate lubrication for a brief moment. Pushing the clutch down on a car will 'thrust' the crankshaft, putting pressure on the thrust washers. Hence if you start a car with the clutch down repeatedly, the washers will wear at a higher rate. Eventually this will lead to crank walk, when the washers drop out and the crank is allowed more than the permitted movement back and forth.
  19. If I remember right that has a reverse action? I tried 'Pulley' on heres clutch, (same as yours) and it was horrendously heavy! Do you start the car with the clutch down?
  20. Good to see you're finally happy with the paint Alex. What do you mean finished? You need to to ditch those front wings first!
  21. Have you been starting the engine with the clutch down? Or was the clutch mal-adjusted perhaps? What clutch are you running? Also... That's a rebuild job I'm afraid!!
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