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Everything posted by michael

  1. Spotted this morning, silver with no spoiler, looked standard, possibly on an M plate. It was in traffic just past Leeds Valley Park heading towards the city. Approx here: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=leeds&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=16.240657,32.299805&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Leeds,+West+Yorkshire,+United+Kingdom&ll=53.766217,-1.508174&spn=0,0.015771&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=53.762188,-1.508054&panoid=M-USLXX5GMsKJ6ORvdX3Jw&cbp=12,129.7,,0,5
  2. His iTrader feedback doesn't seem to reflect his real world feedback.... http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/itrader.php?u=1795
  3. It might take more than 8 apes Meet the buyer at a bank, and take him and the car keys in there with you. Look at it from the other side, buyer is in a different country with lots of money, doesn't know the area, buying a car he hasn't seen from a person he doesn't know... that's scary. Maybe I'm too trusting though
  4. Seems like a decent enough deal: http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/3564175/Sandisk-8GB-Micro-SDHC-Memory-Card/Product.html Handy for use in phones, Nintendo DS cards etc...
  5. Mk1 S3 with moon miles?
  6. How many Amazon vouchers is it worth to me? How about: http://www.google.com/intl/en-GB/googlecalendar/about.html
  7. That's a full size Boglin, I didn't have one but I worked in a toy shop around the time of them being popular. They came in cardboard boxes with plastic "bars" on the front, there was a hole in the bottom of the box so you could operate them. I remember getting breakfast cereal gifts that were sheets of "paper" you baked in the oven, they shrunk down to form a small solid plastic picture of something or other. Pretty crap really now I think about it, those lick 'em stick 'em tattoos were always more fun.
  8. Set 3 are mini Boglins IIRC, I recall some of the others too, I think I had the chap on the right in the first pic but suspect I ate him (or parts of him). Some of these can be worth a fair bit, might be worth looking them up somewhere, there is bound to be a website dedicated to such things.
  9. Welcome aboard Stefan and congraulations on the football
  10. I understand the motivation behind those ones, what I'm saying is that some of the other pages that have 1/4 or 1/8 of a page snippets on blend in with adverts a little bit. There is also a word missing in the initial magazine introduction and it reads as though it's been recycled from MR2 only because at the end it suggests people should only get in touch if they want an MR2 to be featured. I haven't read much more but I'll keep the feedback coming, if you have a position for a proof reader I'd like to stick my name forward
  11. Sorry Scott, they sold this evening, I was just coming on the update the post.
  12. I wouldn't get your hopes up too much.
  13. I was thinking the same but thought it might be the printers at fault as the photographers are different. Jay took the pics of his own car for the article and I can't imagine for a moment that the ones submitted were that dark. Lots of adverts, interesting to see some of the shamed companies like Future Motorsports are still going too. It shows promise, I just think the visuals need a bit of a tweak, some of the layouts don't flow and certain pages make it difficult to see what is an advert and what is an article at first glance. All of this can be accepted for the first issue of a new magazine but with the previous MR2 Only experience I wasn't really expecting such things to crop up. Looking forward to the second issue to see how things move forward.... good luck with it.
  14. No problem, thanks for the update, it's been a bit of a crazy week here so apologies for the lack of contact.
  15. Ah, sorry I'm not sure, I've only ever seen these ones off the car.
  16. Sorry, still need to check postage costs on this. (we could do this all day)
  17. No mad rush to shift it, sooner rather than later would be good though
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