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Everything posted by CanisLupus

  1. Any news on VVTI Cams maybe?
  2. oh sorry! overlooked the missing air con! The 1980 is with air con!
  3. CanisLupus


    The DIY Site sometimes loses its pictures... after a while they return. At least that's what happened to me several times
  4. A friend of mine fitted an AEM UGEO Gauge in there. No Problem. Everything else is still working Here's how it looks when fitted: https://scontent-b-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t31/s720x720/859265_345659775540388_335857976_o.jpg
  5. Hi Paul, they won't work with a stock ECU. I have a similar set of Turbos and they definitely will get wrong AFR under boost with a stock ecu. Emanage runs them okayish, the best investment was the Syvecs Controlling them fully including Sequential control
  6. Open the Scal, connect to the ECU. go to Sensors - Manifold absolute pressure sensor 1a - linearisation. Then input the following: 0.000-0.235 = 0 4.770-5.005 = 3080 After that you select the range from 0.235-4.770(shift + arrow key), Math(upper right corner) - Interpolate - Interpolate X Should look something like this: Then device - Program. This should calibrate the sensor right and hopefully solve your problem
  7. Does it smell like running rich? 10 afr is mighty rich and the car will smell of unburnt fuel. Any cuts or missfires when driving or idling?
  8. Map when engine switched off seems pretty high. Should rather be around 1000. What AFR Sensor do you use? Maybe it's shot and gives wrong outputs to the Syvecs ECU?
  9. You will notice a big improvement after 6k rpm. That's where the stock cams become a bottle neck
  10. Different VIN Codes for different Markets
  11. I'm running 32-33psi on Track when hot. Starting at 26-27 cold approximately. For Drag racing you'll be having problems getting them constantly hot and they do lose a lot of pressure when cooling down at least when comparing hot to cold Pressure I'd try to inflate them to 29psi at the rear and a lot more on the fronts cold. After the burnout(if you are doing one) it should be okay
  12. Yep strange name but they do work well. Tried and tested in the Bike world
  13. Maybe an interesting read regarding Powersteering: http://www.autospeed.com/cms/article.html?&A=110778
  14. Have been thinking about a twin Intercooler Setup too to retain the Active Spoiler setup
  15. A small teaser... http://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/q71/1233437_10151813461244634_72102852_n.jpg They will be using the stock Sequential System and remain pretty much Stealth. Currently in development
  16. 305 should also fit a 10.5" wide Wheel
  17. I've found 53/47 in an USA Brochure of the MKIV. Don't think that will differ much between Hardopt TTs.
  18. That was my intention with the Syvecs comment. The Stock Fuel System retains Fuel Pressure for a long time staying at 3 bar. When i changed to a Walbro 255 and Aeromotive FPR the pressure went away fairly quick(under a minute) which i think was the main reason for the starting problem after a few minutes. I remember that when i did the 12V Pump mod and let the Pump work for 5-10seconds before starting the engine that it started way better. So worth a try before pulling everything apart
  19. A friend of mine had a Problem with fuel beeing heated by his twin Pump Setup. While running low load or idle AFR values rose without Closed Loop correcting it. So hotter Fuel will affect AFRs and performance too(colder Fuel colder intake charge).
  20. I've had a similar Problem while running the emanage... Since i've switched to Syvecs it starts no matter how long the engine has been switched off Another thing to consider is that with the Stock pump and Fuel System the Fuel Pressure is retained over a long time as there are check valves. With 2-3 Bar of Pressure in the Rail higher Temps without vaporising can be reached. Maybe a starting point for your problem if you don't want to change the ECU?
  21. http://www.supra-forum.com/articles/general/differentials/ Here you go
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