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Everything posted by FlrSupra

  1. Been drooling over this for few days now.. very interested to hear about this car when it`s arrived to your shop Jurgen.
  2. Yes the thread size is same, but those mk3 wheels need exact type/model wheel nut to fit the wheels :/ Atleast they differ from wheel nut model which you`ll get on every aftermarket wheels. .. or am I totally wrong (???)
  3. So.. long story short. This "problem" surprised me today: I`m fitting OEM MK3 16" wheels (model: http://image.nettix.fi/extra/partimg/1029301_1029400/1029309_b_df7d2997c35b8577.jpg) to my MK4 for the winter. Had them painted white and ready to go, but now I can`t fit them because I certainly need exact type of wheel nuts to fit these wheels. Anyone have spares or know where to get correct type of wheel nuts? I tried local Toyota dealer here in Finland and the price was about 9£/each
  4. Rattling heatshield made me de-cat my 2nd cat, but would not prefer to raise the exhaust noise anymore by decatting the 1st cat too Hmm.. lot of experienced people are saying that I CAN just remove the rattling heatshield on 1st cat
  5. Just wondering of making a "quick fix". I have facelift -96 J-Spec manual. I`ve been having annoying rattle from exhaust and sourced that it`s coming from FIRST catalysators heatshield. It even rattles on idle. It looks very beaten up so my question is can I just remove it safely?
  6. Can`t believe it that this car is still here on sale.. and for 11k. W-H-A-T?! So tempted to grab this to Finland and keep it on the garage for upcoming summer as the piles of snow are arriving here soon
  7. Any help? I had to shout out from window today to a car in front of me standing still while the green light was on :/
  8. Little info needed to finish my steering wheel change. I`ve removed 4-spoke airbag wheel from facelift to replace it with aftermarket steering wheel using ELEVO boss-kit. Everything is now ok to drive, but I still need to wire up my horn to make it complete. http://gto.kuvat.fi/kuvat/ratti1.jpg/full The black wire seems to be original wire for the horn. http://gto.kuvat.fi/kuvat/ratti2.jpg/full That red wire is connected to earth the horn to boss kit. http://gto.kuvat.fi/kuvat/ratti3.jpg/full horn button has 2 connectors. Other is to red one to earth it to boss kit. Now the question is: What wire should I run to other connector to horn button to make it work? (I`ve searched, yes I`ve searched...)
  9. Good text like always Ian! But, only my speedo went dead few times and most likely `caused the hazardlight to come on. After hazardlight I "stupidly" resetted my ecu and did not look the error code that was stored. After ecu-reset the speedo went dead few times, but did not `cause hazard light to come on again. Then refuelled and problem gone. Well, there`s now 34litres of gasoline in it so I`ll get the hazardlight back soon and check what is the code that comes on when speedo dies. How odd is to wish that hazardlight will light up?!?!?! ..just to make sure I`ll check that earthing point you pointed out. It`s always good to ask stuff here because you`ll always get some directions of what to do.
  10. Experienced very odd thing today. I was planning to drive my fuel amount to almost empty to easily measure how much I can drive with full tank. When the "low fuel warning light" came on few times suddenly my speedo died. Then after few seconds came back, then died again, came back, died again etc. .. then speedo was off for a bit longer time the hazard&eml-light came on for 10 seconds and they went off. ... after that speedo came back, died again .. hazard&eml-light came back again for 10 seconds and went off. This was all during 5mile trip. Strangest thing is what fixed the problem: I went to get fuel. After that I`ve driven over 50 miles with speedo working 100% of the time. Is that possible or was that just an coinsidence?
  11. Oh it was so warm today Still can`t believe of that quick fix. I`m glad that your glad that I`m glad
  12. I owe you big time, man! 3 months ago I found out I do not get hot air from heater and was little bit stressed now about it because the fall and winter is coming over to Finland fast and I would freeze my balls off if not getting the heater to work. I searched some info here and did a list what could be the problem. This was #1 on the list and this morning went out to check all the things in my loooong list. Well, turned out it was that metal thingy hanging loose on passenger footwell. Clipped it back and everything is now working like it should again That was like.. 10 second fix. Only because of your great pictures. Please PM your address and I will send you a gift
  13. Yes I have facelift. Previous owner had for some reason lost the indicator bulb holders and had spliced the wires to pre-facelift headlights .. hmm. Leaving the oem indicator places empty. But this morning my head worked little better than yesterday after long day of work. I went to Toyota to order 2 new indicator BULB HOLDERS. Simple as that Sorry for wasting 40seconds of your life to write that last post, Nic
  14. Think I`ll use this old thread to ask a question related to this. I have Toyota facelift indicators, but no bulb-holders on them because last owner replaced headlights with pre-facelift uk glass ones and had surprisingly lost the holders I realised from Nics pictures above that I have to buy one new harness to get bulb holder to drivers side. That`s ok. But on passenger side I can just buy bulb holder separately, but the question is "what do I connect to passenger side indicator bulb holder?" Now I have just 2 wires taped up on there where should be indicator bulb holder
  15. This is now SOLVED! Some UK fella had tried to combine prefacelift-foglights to facelift-indicator loom (???????????) with bad result. Ripped all selfmade wiring and used simple method that Nic posted to wire indicators up. Perfect. Thanks again Nic!
  16. If somebody decides to do harness I`m willing to buy one!
  17. Yep. Found out it`s standard on UK Spec and I currently have UK-spec glass headlights which do have the motor. Unfortunately my J-Spec Facelift doesn`t have any buttons or wires to make the headlight motors work so it`s bit tricky to do it. and MORE unfortunately is that it is REQUIRED here in Finland to have electrical height adjustment motors (and button inside the cabin) from -95 upwards. This is going to be a loooooong project. http://www.supraforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=531953&highlight=EURO (See post #40 for DIY-guide) Anyone care to make it for me?
  18. Guess I`ll have to make this a new question. How do I connect my headlight`s electric angle adjustment to work? Tried search, but did not find straightforward answer :/ EDIT: found answers from US supra-forums, but stumped into the next problem. It`s really not that easy to make one with no electrical skills myself. Has somebody made harness to make those headlight height adjuster motors to work?
  19. Question after question.. I know. Please be friendly ok Here in Finland where I live we have to have electrical angle adjustment for headlights. How does the Supra`s electric headlight angle adjustment work? My car is J-spec Facelift SZ-R I have this button on the dash: http://gto.kuvat.fi/kuvat/ajovalokorkeus1.jpg/full .. which I believe is headlight angle adjustment button. My headlights have the motor, but there is no absolutely no single wire near headlights that I can connect to them. Where do the wires go? I assume I have some wires or connection possibilities because of that button on the dash? Thanks again for your help in advance
  20. Thanks for participating again, Nic. Otherwise that would be great guide, but my car is Facelift so I think I do not have same "power source" for sidelight that is there on the guide. Basically I just need information that which wire control the sidelight`s positive side on Facelift wires?
  21. Bought new Supra and now found out my sidelights doesn`t work. To tell the story short I`ve found out I have following pieces to combine. My car is Facelift Supra with: - Pre-facelift UK headlights - Facelift indicators with empty sidelight pod, but the indicators are working. Last owner has made some own wiring to make front indicators work, but seem to have messed something up because there is no sidelights or fog lights working. Here are the pictures which will make sense to someone. http://gto.kuvat.fi/kuvat/parkki1.jpg/full http://gto.kuvat.fi/kuvat/parkki2.jpg/full http://gto.kuvat.fi/kuvat/parkki3.jpg/full So... which wires I should hunt down to make my sidelights work on facelift indicators?
  22. So... After all this fighting and sh*t I decided to let the car go and I returned it to store and changed it to another car. They will solve the idle problem and promised to tell me what was wrong with it. So if lucky, the answer will be posted here later on. Thank you all for your kind and professional help!!
  23. Little update. Tried new MAP-sensor. No cure.
  24. And little update... Managed to get new TPS-sensor here on forum. Changed the new sensor on the car and adjusted it. There was absolutely no change on the idle. Still bad as before. Still I can get best idle to put the tps-sensor to far right extreme position. If I turn the tps-sensor to far left extreme position the car is very close to stall. Also... Fiddled with MAP-sensor. If I keep car running and remove the vacuum pipe from the map-sensor should the car stall immediately?
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