thats a funny link to the site. brilliant.
i love the way they slate the N/A. but we all know they would a supra. maybe a TT but chavs like that can't even afford the insurance of even an N/A supra.... and thats why they drive a saxo.
i love my £500 manual N/A its great. looks lovely. i must admit tho. its slow and flat at the moment. due to the split in the exhaust. no power at all. my RS2000 would nail it to the wall. but once thats sorted it should all be up to scratch with a proper service.
i might get a TT in the future. not sure yet. might get an R32 GTR which is something i have always wanted. you can't beat the looks of a supra tho. why race when you got a supra. its intimidating having one in your rear view mirror. and who knows if its N/A or TT.
i really wish we all got on the same on here. its a mk4 supra owners club. so its for all??
i don't see manual peeps taking the pee out of automatics like TT boys do to N/A's.
but its all banter and i spos its harmless??