My other half has an 09 fiat 500 diesel, which has had starting problems (I know, its's a fiat, what do I expect lol).
Anyway about a week ago, the car wouldn't start, wouldn't crank at all, all electrics would power up fine, and the battery is in good health, but you turn the key and literally nothing happens, no noise, no warning lights, nothing. I was able to bump start the car, and it ran absolutely fine, just won't start again when you turn it off.
My other half booked it in with a local mechanic to have a look at. I know they've tried a new starter that didn't fix the issue, and they've had the car a week trying to sort it to no avail. So the garage got someone from fiat in to have a look at it, and the fiat guy is saying it is a problem with the ECU?? I wouldn't have thought the ECU would have anything to do with cranking the engine, and as I said the car runs fine when bump started, so seemed a strange diagnosis.
I'm going into the garage to speak to them tomorrow as my other half has been dealing with up till now, there are a few things I'm going to see if they have tested like the ground, fuses, ignition switch (I assume they will have as these are basics surely). Does anyone have any other ideas of what it could be? And does the ECU sound like a viable cause?
Sorry for the essay, appreciate any help or suggestions.