Ok, so I just got my Karcher K2 Pressure washer, set it up, plugged in,water on, unit on. Started a pre-wash hose down and the water came out not so much a jet more of a stream, so I turned the adjustment nozzle to max and got a little more pressure. Hmm, so then I gave the power lance a go for a more concentrated stream thinking it would be stronger. It was a tad, but nothing major so I went back to the general purpose nozzle and proceeded hose the car.
I was then thinking this is w**k, it must be that the hose is too long from the water supply as it's only a little motor in the unit, which is s**t considering how it cost over £100 and had rave reviews. At the same time I was also thinking that the unit is very quiet too. Just as I finished the whole car pre-wash, it dawned on me that I hadn't turned it on at the mains.
For the whole pre-wash I was just using an expensive garden hose.