Backstory - (Manual N/A, J-spec) Slowly been losing oil after long drives so I top up pretty much before most journeys. After the car has warmed up in situ there is often a puddle of oil on the ground. I topped up today as normal and overfilled so the level showed above full, which I was slightly worried about.
Half an hour into journey all was fine until I accelerated onto a duel carriage way and that's when I noticed the smell of fresh oil. Shortly after, the water temp rose into the red followed by the engine temp hitting the red. Exiting the carriageway white smoke came from the rear and engine but only at low speed.
I pulled over to investigate and found evidence of oil sprayed around mid/top of engine and fresh oil over the back of the car. The dip stick (wiped) still showed above full too. Upon restarting the engine it struggled to catch and made some nasty clanking sounds, but once started sounded ok. Water temp went down but engine stayed high and the clutch started to slip on the limp back home.
So is it likely to be a blown seal(s)? top or bottom end? or worse, mechanical?
I'm going to check the level again when it's cooled a bit more and see what other interesting sounds come out.
Help/Advice appreciated before I take it to a garage to get ripped off.
Many thanks