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Everything posted by jon_dragon

  1. If you mirror covers don't sell I'll have them. If not I'll be interested in the carbon ganadors with a picture
  2. So I've started collecting bits for an NA-T conversion (seriously this time) I've started by uprating the clutch and I've ditched the viscous fan for twin electrics to make space in the engine bay. Also, my fan shroud fell off so it wasn't working efficiently either.
  3. Has anyone got a map for an emanage blue I can use on my NA-T? My setup is very similar to the Whifbitz setup
  4. Anybody got a base map for an Emanage blue? The whifbitz one would be handy
  5. http://www.powerhouseracing.com/p-4603-phr-pnp-harness-for-is300-fan-kit.aspx Your joking, right?
  6. Hi peeps! I'm moving away from the viscous fan setup and going twin electric. How has everyone wired the fans?
  7. Those bushes are excellent. I've not heard a squeek out of them since I put them there. I've not done much with the car recently because I've been buying a house but I did manage to sneak this Whifbitz radiator in while nobody was looking... Also, I decided to put my strut bar back on that was last on my hard top. I heard they benefit the aerotop more so why not... I've only painted the feet so far as the bar has been many different colours and needs stripping back.
  8. Here's my fiancé doing a better job of painting them than I could do Finished!
  9. So I just put some LS400 Callipers on the front which I'm sure will make a tremendous difference once the pads are bedded in. I'll get some pictures up once I've painted them.
  10. Yep, those are for the rear upper arms. I was going to get new arms from Toyota too but theyre damn expensive. Unfortunately the ball joint is properly part of the arm so if thats goosed then your S.O.O.L We've got a press at work. We ended up pushing the arm off the bush by using a socket that was big enough to miss the bush and sit on the arm. The bushes for both sides cost about £46 and took a week to arrive from Poland.
  11. Those bloody suspension arms are coming off! I cant cope with them creeking and squeeking everywhere I go... The original arms are going back on with new bushes on. I found some bushes from Strongflex The kit number is 211633 Cleaned up the old arms and removed the old worn bushes The bushes come in 2 halfs so you push them in the arm with the provided grease then push the metal tube through Ready to go back on the car
  12. I want to upgrade to UK spec brakes but I dont know if my Lenso Samurai D1R's will go over them. Would anyone in the Yorkshire area with UK brakes be a gem and let me try one of my wheels on their car?
  13. As it happens, I got one of the techies at work to take them off, grease them up properly and put them back on. After a few innitial creaks it seems to have stopped completely! These arms are fine so long as you grease the sh*t out of them before you put them on.
  14. Keron, can you do used ones in good condition? Also, do you know of anyone who does the bushes to push in and out in order to refurbish worn arms?
  15. Yeah, nothing is actually broken. They still squeak after they've been blathered in grease. I'm going to complain to driftworks
  16. So these Driftworks arms are on. Your probably all wondering what they're like... To be honest, when we put them on they were squeaky and creeky but thats probably because we didnt grease them up before we put them on. I've had it on a ramp today and stuck a bit of Toyotas own silicone spray on (PZ447-00PD1-05) so we'll see what happens next. As for the ride, its a lot tighter and it tracks better. The only issue is, I can feel and hear speed humps a lot more if I go over them at a funny angle or too fast and it sounds like something broke. So if you do go for these over the standard ones, please remember to grease everything up first! And spray a bit more on afterwards.
  17. So I got hold of some driftworks rear camber arms which were... fun to fit. They've been adjusted to -1.50 which is straight on a Supra. I'll let you know when they start knocking, lol
  18. Got my clocks sorted finally. Jamie took his ELglow dials out of his blue wide arch supra and I've found a home for them. Also, got some interior bits carbon skinned by a friend of mine. I'll get some pics of those up soon
  19. Getting on toward £200 just for lenses which is cheaper than the australian ones I've seen. I'd be tempted to build up and sell abflug headlights on an exchange basis if anyone was up for buying them for £500 a pair
  20. You can, but they're rare and usually quite expensive
  21. Just got some driftworks rear upper arms because they were cheaper than stock ones and they come with a lifetime warranty. Because theyre adjustable and I dont want to run silly camber, has anyone got any recommendations on camber settings to improve cornering / tyre wear? I found this online http://mkiv.com/techarticles/lance_alignment/index.html
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