hey all, sorry to say. This was me. I'm the fat ugly twat with the long hair and beard. I was driving from my work place in Wolverton. coming from Featherstone Road to Ridgeway towards the Greenleys roundabout. (that road is a 60). I was in second gear, just into boost. Clutch in, brakes on like I have done hundreds of times (sometimes in the NA so not as exciting) and tried to brake and I didn't slow down. I then panicked a bit as there were cars in front. Moved to the otherside of the road as there were no cars coming, right at the end one was coming round so had to turn back a bit to the left.
Here is where it happened - https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.056611,-0.828547,17z
This is kinda the view I had, although there were a couple more cars in front as it was lunch time. You see the triangle bit in front, I hit the right hand side of that. kept going straight into the roundabout. that brick work is a lot bigger than it looked. That launched me in the air, came down and it rolled me twice. It turns out one of the cars I avoided was someone from where I worked and has no idea how I didn't hit a car, lamp post, sign or anything. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.0574968,-0.8269544,3a,75y,60.76h,83.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZ2IM4jwUba7BXKQeLaUpUQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
I'm more gutted than anyone that this has happened. That car was my pride and joy