some of you may remember a few months ago i had an annoying whistle sound from car, which wasnt a boost leak.
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havent been using the car yet this year hardly, now the summers here finally got round to looking at it
after a visit to craig/dr jekyl on here, few fellow members suggested possibly turbo failure.
whipped off the turbo intake pipe to the 1st turbo, ONE of the fins were damaged, looks like a chip taken out right on the end.
didnt take a pic of it as phone died, but was similar to this, (where the one fin has a chip out of)
going to remove the 1st turbo and send off to get re-firbished.
couple questions:
1) can i just remove the 1st turbo, or do they come off together, then have to split.
2) will i need new oil lines aswell as gaskets? or just new gaskets?
ive had all the turbo pipes & heatshiled off before so i know its just a few rusty nuts/studs which need soaking in WD40.
any views or tips welcome