No, but not every company is the best or the biggest (which doesn't mean the best)
(AP is Brembo btw)
Toyota isn’t the biggest or the best car manufacture but we’ve all got one.
“The EBC range is now the largest of any brake manufacturer in the world (and I now that doesn’t mean it’s the best, or even good).
EBC Brakes now employ 400 people worldwide and enjoy an annual turnover in excess of 100 million Euros with all of its products made in its UK or USA manufacturing plants.”
I’m not trying to defend EBC as I’m going in eyes open (maybe with a bit of grit shoved in there for good measure )
I’ve paid my money and taken my choice.
They're not some tin pot outfit, or some unknown or fake stuff off eBay and feel they ‘should’ be a reasonable alternative.
Obviously I hope I haven’t bought a load of hardened dung to try and stop me and my family, but in my mind a reputable company, which EBC is, shouldn’t be producing the level of quality that you're pertaining they do.
Reviews of them on SUVs seem good.
But hey let’s see and I’ll truthfully let you know how I get on.
If they’re crap, they’re crap and I’ll say they’re crap