Hey, Im Nevins better half, SamyKate. Currently driving a mitsi colt but soon to be taking over ownership of his mk4 He is constantly showing me posts and threads you guys have made so i figured id join up and have look for myself. Im your typical blonde, i say the wrong thing in the right place and the right in the wrong. I have had more blonde moments than you guys have had wanks. Im pretty laid back and can be very lippy. Apparently id fit in well here? Have been to a few of your meets and was the girl taking pictures at the Ross meet for those who are wondering who i am.
I have heard that there are a few of you which i need to keep an eye out for... Sarcasm and hazing seems to be a common trait. If this is the case then its a match made in heaven!
Anyway, im going to have a look around here. Do your worst guys