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Everything posted by edinlexusV8

  1. Are you on wireless? Do you have other computers/devices connected to the router?
  2. I dont think it is the problem with the wavelength to be honest ... It has only one answer if it is a mathematical statement (not an english statement) and it is 15. Dont add common sense from english to maths ;-) ' ' does not mean wait for the previous part of the statement to compute and then continue.
  3. I know how you are like from some of our other discussions on this forum ... so I have to go to this length to clarify things equation. +, -, X are binary operators. They need to have some integers (positive or negative numbers) on both sides to perform the operation. You cannot have a space infront of X and say that it is should be treated as ')'. There are loads of other characters any symbols. What about a newline character, like in my example above. There is a reason why there is BODMAS and there is reason why there is no 'BOD MAS' (with space as operator). SPACE in an equation equals NULL or Nothing, or else a statement with ' ' becomes an invalid statement. To make things even more clear substitute ' ' with another character say 'p' then see how the above statement is INVALID (5+5+5-5+5+5-5+5pXp0).
  4. What is the answer to this then? 5+2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................x3 -5
  5. Space is a neither a number nor a binary operator ... it never becomes part of an equation ... EOD ;-)
  6. ' ' not a '(' How much is ' ' + 5 then?
  7. Dont think we need calculators for this. 15 is the correct answer ..
  8. Anybody interested in a phone that has a fresh new design to it ... Nokia Lumia 800. Very impressive job by Nokia (with Nokia Drive & Nokia Music) ... Job well done! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvnDunLJSPE
  9. Well this is it!!! Any suggestions how we can bring it to ZERO? [video=youtube;F-QA2rkpBSY] Playlist of 8 Videos is at the following link: &feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=SP6A1FD147A45EF50D
  10. New phones are coming on 26th ... Wait for them for flagship phones & Hardware ... NOKIA Searay below ... http://cdn.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/nokia_n9_hands-on_sg_40-580x438.jpg
  11. This is shocking news! Unbelievable!! That was a crazy accident .... RIP Simoncelli
  12. Walter Isaacson biography on Steve Jobs will go on sale from Monday, but Associated Press got a copy of it. They posted some excerpts from the book which says that Steve Jobs felt that Android is a stolen product and he is willing to wage a war on it. “I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.” “I don’t want your money. If you offer me $5 billion, I won’t want it. I’ve got plenty of money. I want you to stop using our ideas in Android, that’s all I want.”
  13. I know guys on here are very much divided on what phone OS suits them and what they prefer. This is obvious as everybody have a choice in the market and various contracts, features and price points to compete for. Most of you either prefer an iPhone or an Android or a blackberry as they are in the market for quite a while and are matured ecosystems. But I for all those people who are on the borderline or have not made up their minds or wanting to know more about WP7 please see the following video. It is a comparison between an year old Samsung Focus (single core) with the latest update of WP7 - Mango and the other one is the new iPhone 4S (dual core & iOS5).
  14. Yeah this is right when you have applications written in native code like C or C++ or objective C++ (iOS). But if you have applications running on a framework like Java (for android) or .NET/Silverlight(for WP7). The framework is optimized to run on multiple cores and so the applications dont have to have the knowledge of cores. The apps can run and use the full potential of multiple cores. Multiple chips with multiple cores each is a totally different story!
  15. My point mentioned way up on this thread still stands "that a dual core phone uses way more battery than a single core phone". My argument is about battery life on dual cores not about efficiency of core. A phone with a single core arm chip with a 1500mA battery lasts longer than with a dual core arm chip and the same battery. Multi-core architectures with sleep cycles/modes have been in the server n PC environments for dogs years. Nothing new there. There is no enough plumbing with in the Android OS in Froyo or Gingerbread for that matter to take advantage of dual or multi core chips. With ICS you should be able to use less power than single cores to do the same job n the battery could lasts the same as single core or even longer than single core phones. Scott - You may be experiencing longer battery life on your dual core either because you have a bigger battery or the chip technology itself is smaller consuming less power. Also there may be OS optimizations & on the top of that your old phone has older battery and these batteries have a habit of getting worse at retaining the charge down the time as they get older.
  16. Dont know what you are talking about Scott but if you look at your post#37 on this thread when I said dual cores suck at battery life you said they dont and they actually use less power implying that battery lasts longer. How am I backtacking?
  17. Good joke ... you go read up on dual core chips. Dual core chips are more efficient DOESNOT mean they use less power than single core. It only means that they dont use twice the power of single core. But over all they use more power than single core and the battery lasts shorter. http://www.tested.com/news/dual-core-vs-single-core-arm-what-does-an-extra-core-really-get-you/2337/
  18. Good article if anybody is interested to bother about WP7.5 http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/reviews/2011/10/real-competition-from-redmond-windows-phone-7-mango-reviewed.ars/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2011/oct/18/mango-microsoft-smartphone-windows
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