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Everything posted by edinlexusV8
Have a quick look at this small video from BBC Click http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/9406884.stm
What do you folks think about this?? Is it fair? Would this change your attitude towards MS? Microsoft’s anti-trust consent decree expires 12th May 2011
Dude just above I mentioned that we also use Linux based storage products and VMWare virtualization which is also based on Linux. I am not new to the IT world n technical stuff, I do not defend MS in all their software products. Some of them are nothing but useless but there are also lots of them that are very good. Now looking at the way people loath MS on various forums for everything they do I can see myself defending them for some time. MS is a software company and the biggest software company. Yes they dont give away opensource software most of the time but which corporation does it (adobe, sony, apple, intel, oracle ...)? Every body has their Intellectual Property? Unless you are starting from scratch or you are an advertisement company, you can give away software for free. Nobody gives stuff for free. MS does provide all of their software including server software for free to all the universities, schools and research institutions. What you expect them to give away software and all their developed code and Intellectual Property for free to other corporations? Would you do that? Go get a free car if you can. Yes as any corporate company does, they had their infamous past, when it comes to dealing with smaller companies and destroying the competition. But they do have a huge competition at hands and the last 3 years have been totally different in their approach. If you look at all the hardware MS software runs on you will end up with a permutation of over 60,000 hardware components from various manufacturers across the world (though same is the case with open source but you cannot complain if something doesnot work or something is not supported if you get stuff for free in the first place). Same is the reason why Windows Mobile never used to get updates. Same is the case with Google when it comes to android. The hardware and spec on every phone is so different and when you send updates you have a bloody good chance of bricking them. Competing with Google in search, Cloud, Office Products, mobile OS, browser paltform, tablets, mapping service Competing with Sony on the gaming Console Competing with Apple on Desktop OS, mobile OS and Music delivery service, tablets Competing with Oracle on Office Suite, Databases, Frameworks,business intelligence Competing with Firefox & oPera on the browser platform Competing with Salesforce on CRM software Competing with adobe on content delivery on various platforms Competing with IBM & Oracle on enterprise content management Competing with Linux on pretty much everything ... This list is hardly exhaustive ... not all their products are great but they do offer good competition and alternative. Just because you use MS software on the desktop you dont get to bash it for everything they do. Infact MS desktop OS is the most easily usable and functional OS at the lowest possible price to OEMs. Most of the world is online and using internet and technology is because of them and their market penetration in all the countries. Touchscreens have only become main stream from the last 4 years and the internet speeds have only been decent for the last 5 years. Still many people in many countries still are using dial up in Kbps. They are not a company that benefits the most by knowing more about you (privacy), browsing habits and your location. Neither they are an advertisement company nor a hardware company. They are just a software company!
Openfiler - Linux 2.6 Kernel - Runs on rPath linux
Dude either you have to start talking something technical and show that you actually know the stuff you are talking about or stop personal comments. Every server/farm administrator has some strategy in place for updating servers. Administrators are always awry about updates, I have not come across anybody who just updates their system on the fly as updates come from MS esp when it is a live server and any downtime is unacceptable.
Not entirely true. An update on our linux based NAS boxes put all our storage in jeopardy for a good few hours until we went into the datacentre and reconfigured the system (resetted to some default IPs after reset and we had no way to log in remotely) ...
ok so you dont have an answer for a gaming console from Apple's platform n also why Nokia came to MS for a mobile OS .... What about other MS products? Let me see if you can find any equivalents from apple ... Sql Server, Office(Word, Excel, PP etc), Exchange Server for mail, Silverlight, Cloud based products, Win Server, Virtualization/Hypervisor OS, Hotmail, Sharepoint Server, .NET framework etc? I have a lot of admiration for iPod, iPad and iPhone from apple as these pretty much defined our current world (when it comes to mobiles and music) but calling MS products below average and walking away from all of them is just foolishness.
Well I am only replying to the link IMI posted ... for what ever reason he felt that Apple Vs MS store is relevant for this thread ...
Lets me check what kind of gaming console do they sell in the iPhone store ... oops none! That enough I suppose ... Anyway this is not another PC vs MAC thread. Ok now I get it .... Coz a couple of you guys are walking awaaaaaaaaaaay from MS the market share of Macs surged, last time when I checked.....
Bit of a shocker ain't it? ;-)
"Susceptibility to the problem, as well as the extent of the damage caused, both appear to have some dependence on the firmware version used on the handset. Samsung has released several different firmware versions for the Omnia 7, and while the newest versions seem to generally work fine, certain older ones do not. These firmware issues might also be compounded by bugs in the Samsung bootloader; phones with version of the bootloader apparently cannot switch into download mode, which is used to recover from bad flashes. Both newer and older bootloaders are fine."
You should be able to change print preferences/settings to grayscale or black n white. From which application are you printing anyway?
I dont think you even have a case ... just saying that I have blinkers ON and calling me a sales person wont make a case for any platform!
Ok now I understand, Let me make a couple of guesses .... Firstly, you must be living on another planet ...how is it like in there? Best ever products up for sale right from day one I suppose ... Secondly, you must be smarter than Nokia, the biggest phone manufacturer in the world! Ok I will give you a chance ... you name the best product you have from day one on any platform ... let me see how many are out there ... I suppose when you say best products you do mean best in design and also in functionality right?
I think you have got blinkers or deaf ears than me ... What product am I selling here? I am not selling any thing ... I am more defending a new phone, a new platform and an altogether new ecosystem which has been looked at with a lot of pessimism. This happened with the release of iPhone and more so with the version 1 of Android. Another thing is I am hardly a sales person but rather a technical person. If you have properly gone through my messages you would have noticed that I highlighted the various benefits of this ecosystem & platform. I mentioned the various good features of apples approach and Androids approach and how MS meged the best of both world into one. Blinkers my arse ... read through my msgs before making any personal comments. This is a thread I started to have a discussion on this new platform and what people think about its good and bad.
A very small percentage of only one model (Samsung Focus/Omnia 7) waere bricked. This is a minor update. Actually an update that sets everything ready for an upcoming major update. Ooops ... sorry the android folks gets no updates at all so never came across this senario .... ;-)
Ok here it goes again ... small update from Mobile World Congress 2011 (MWC) ... Let me know what you guys think about this update coming soon ... WP7 + IE9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r5Oy8IqtuU WP7 + 3rd Party Multitasking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=578tF4F3z7E
Sounds good people, great idea for a meet n some fun ... add me to the list!
Nokia has been making Windows Mobile phones for ages now. This is nothing new (only if you started using smart phones in the lsat 2-3 years). Only surprise is that they dropped thier enterprise software MeeGo after investing so much into it. I know this news is coming for about 4 months now when they replaced the CEO of Nokia with the Head of MS's Business Division. Coming to MS I am sure they know what they are doing. Windows Pocket PC/Mobile I am sure MS knows the best how to deal with all these. MS stragtegy is towards convergence of PC, laptop, Tablets, XBox, TV, WMC Set Top boxes, Phones, In Car Systems, Microsoft Surface, etc. What I mean by this is you only write an app once and it will run on all these platforms. They have been working on this convergence for some while now and this is why .Net & silverlight runtime is on PC, on the browser, on Xbox, on Windows Phone 7, on Microsoft Surface etc etc. Even the development languages and tools are way advanced. Java came way back in 1996 and .Net only came in 2003 and look where .Net languages are at the moment. C# 5.0 and F# are miles ahead of Java. Also the .Net run time not only enables convergence of platforms but also convergence of development languages. So a lot of developers can develop in their own known development language and still run their apps on any of the above platforms I mentioned. I can understand some of your comments on the home screen on a WP7 phone. Not everybody will like it. But you can see the beauty of the Metro UI once you go past the home screen. I like the simplicity of the home screen. Every andriod phone I look at, I can see 90% of similarities with a windows mobile 6.5 phone. The icons, the UI, widgets, usb file access, copy and paste, office mobile, Wifi, Enterprise mail/exchange connectivity, google maps, google search etc etc are all there in my 2007/08 HTC Touch Pro and Samsung Omnia, Windows Mobile 6.0 & 6.5 phone. I would say MS need to brush up their advertising and marketting skills a bit.
Anyone going to watch Top Gear after last weeks casual racism?
edinlexusV8 replied to RedM's topic in Off Topic
Totally agree with you mate -
Looking for a full set of UK TT brake discs ...
edinlexusV8 replied to edinlexusV8's topic in Supra Chat
Thanks folks, I already bought CW pads, looking for some decent discs to go with them. My first option is to get the OEM discs unless I can find a good bargain/clearance sale on a set of aftermarket ones. -
Looking for a full set of UK TT brake discs ... any ideas for a decent set OEM or aftermarket? Flat/Grooved/Drilled/Groved & Drilled? Any traders in here who can supply them? Thanks
Anyone going to watch Top Gear after last weeks casual racism?
edinlexusV8 replied to RedM's topic in Off Topic
I know you did but some may not click on the link and read through it.