Copied from the 'stickie' at the top of the page re. MOT.
"One useful piece of advice which is probably the biggest is for you NA guys... So far, going by the emissions database, there is NO such thing as a NA supra. The database only lists a 2JZ-GTE engine, (for the mkiv) so all of you that are worried about having no cats fitted then don't! Yes you will fail the initial 'BETS' test but it follows into a full CAT test, in which a 2JZ-GE does NOT exist, as it wasn't a UK car, so this puts it into the category of being a 'non-listed' car, as such the 'default' limits are standing idle of 3.5% CO and 1200ppm HC. I have passed a certain members car, using these limits (no names given) and it is FAR from standard and it passes every time. As well as there is no rule stating you MUST have a cat fitted. If you can get your CO% to below 0.2/0.3% at 2.500-3000 rpm and HC to below 200ppm your fine!
I also know of a new 'rule' that is out regarding exhaust noise, in which 'anything that is louder/noiser than what is regarded as a standard noise level' is now classed as a fail. Which to be honest is most of us!"
Interested to know what power gain you achieve.