I have been around that a few times and it seems to work well, yet maybe that could be due to a better standard of drivers.
They are remarkably poor here and many seem to believe that roundabouts and filters are overtaking zones with many others who cut the straightest route across all lanes and the large oval roundabouts over the A14 are treated like the Top Gear circuit which reduces the capacity to around 2 at a time, sometimes you need launch control to get on them.
My neighbours of 12 months have an infant and have had several too-close-for-comfort encounters with these F*ckwits who use our street as a rat-run and drive their cars as if they have just stolen them, so consequently have sold their house at a loss of £25k and are moving to the next town in desperation to get away from these idiots.
You've got me going now, so I might as well get this rant off my chest, here is a little scribe that I prosed and gave to both the local Telewag and the Old Bill, I have even requested they come and play with their hair driers in my street, but nothing!
(Play on street names, William Street, Pollard Street and Park Road)
SANTA POllarD Street - Run What Ya Brung
Mallory Park Road and Williams Street are practice circuits for the main event in SANTA POllarD Street.
The immature Bucks snorting and wootishing their Scooby Doo Impress hers’, hold the maximum speed record of over 80mph.
Business class on their way to meetings in their Audi’s and BMW’s, come a close second with speeds into the 70’s.
Grannies on their way to coffee mornings in grandaddies Kompressor Merc’s, manage over 60mph.
Mothers on the school run in turbo diesels, whisk their kids past in the 50’s.
HGV’s, regularly manage over 40mph.
Nearby residents warming up their engines, pass through in the 30’s.
Those of us who live here, and have to daily dodge these Dukes of Hazard, trundle along at around 20.
This Dipthickery also doubles-up as Death-Race 2010.
These idiots pause for nothing, not OAP’s or even young mothers with babe in arms who also have the obstacle of traversing the steeply cambered road and collapsing granite kerbs.
A notable winter season mention, must go to the Chinese take-away delivery driver who achieved a registered speed of over 100mph, but was actually only moving at around 1 mph, spinning his tyres for an impressive 400m smoking burnout whilst driving on ice.
Before the inevitable carnage, this stupidity must stop!
Can we have one-way traffic, sleeping policemen and an enforced 20 mph speed limit, or better still, a line of bollards across the top of the street please?
A concerned Pollard Street resident.
These are just some of the reasons I am convinced that a F*ckwit ticket would be a good thing.