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David P

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  1. Neither was I, which is why I edited my post before you grunted again. (I don't know how post times are displayed on mobile phones, but on a PC they're a tad ambiguous)
  2. If you click watch on you tube, you will find that the video does not have the "idiot" caption. I chose it for it's 13 minutes of content which you obviously haven't watched in the time it took you to react. I wonder whose point is proven now?
  3. The elephant in the room is herd immunity, which ultimately, is the only way out. I believe that Government has allowed nightclubs to reopen for a month without restriction to purposely allow super spreader events in this targeted age group. Which will result with more young folks having antibodies, scare many others to go for the jab and is perfectly timed to justify the proposed Covid passport.
  4. Each and every one of them has been offered the jab. It is merely reality that is harsh.
  5. Issues of such scale invariably end up being blamed onto someone who has died. I reckon that Dr Fauci could end up in the Epstein Club.
  6. There were also two other GP's that I failed to mention, one of whom was in the "I can't see anything wrong with you" Club and the other who saw the pics above said "I've never seen anything like it!" I can understand how this little known complaint drives folks insane, the sensation of being eaten alive by insects alone, would be enough to drive many folks over the edge. However, when combined with most Doctors and Dermatologists being in the "I can't see anything wrong with you" Club, leading to be diagnosed and then treated for a mental health issue the patient doesn't have whilst meanwhile ignoring the ailment, would drive most others over. Now that I have got to the bottom of this, there will be many forelocks tugged. NHS GP's and Dermatologists have been wrongly prescribing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which has resulted in driving folks insane. Should the word get out, there will be a few Solicitors making money from this... Thankfully, not only is my constitution strong enough to withstand this condition, it has also proven strong enough to override the now proven ridiculous diagnosis by a Senior Consultant Dermatologist. Notwithstanding, I have also recently been diagnosed as having Type 2 Diabetes, however, I have had a couple of nose to nose stand-offs at the GP's practice because I have refused to take the pills prescribed. This severe infection raises glucose levels in the blood and once again I have been proven correct. I begin the new regime of treatment tomorrow, as soon as the Chemist is open. It is predicted to be a long slog, but at least now there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. Folks who know me personally will be aware that for several years now I have been suffering from a mystery skin infection. During which time this has been diagnosed by one GP as "I can't see anything wrong with you" and by another as "Folliculitis" and by another as "Impetigo", however, neither of these managed to cure it with either pills or potions. During six more years it has become increasingly worse and the skin on my whole body became like bubble-wrap with the smooth side out, resulting with a visually virtually asymptomatic ailment. Despite the "I can't see anything wrong with you mate" Brigade, I kept insisting until I secured an appointment with the local Senior Consultant Dermatologist, however, it turned out that she also was in the "I cant see anything wrong with you mate" Club and informed me that it only existed in my mind and recommended Cognitive Behavioural Therapy! Having a skin infection diagnosed as a mental health problem is a proper wind-up, so I invested in an appointment with a Private Harley Street Dermatologist, however, it turned out that he was also in the "I can't see anything wrong with you mate" Club yet diagnosed "possibly eczema". Nevertheless, I informed him that the only medication that had any proven effect was a double dose of flucloxacillin and thankfully, he pandered to my request for an extended course and also provided me with a couple of litres of Balneum cream. 2,000mg per day of these antibiotics for 60-days, combined with regular blathering's of the cream resulted with a strange sponge-like substance oozing out of every part of my body by the handful. This confused the Dermatologist even more, the antibiotics were clearly working, however, I was at risk of my liver packing up before the infection had cleared. Consequently, he referred me to another Dermatologist who apparently is regarded as the best of the best, at £500 an appointment, he should be... Thankfully, this Doctor has eyes and ears that are connected to his brain and he has diagnosed my skin complaint as a condition that is so rare that it doesn't even have a name and is simply known as "unexplained dermopathy". He is also a Psychiatrist and has seen this problem a few times before and tells me that I am the first person he has met who has endured this complaint for 8-years without losing their sanity. Apparently, the constant & painful sensation of being eaten alive by insects whilst being misdiagnosed and/or ignored by Doctors, invariably drives people insane waaay before then. He informs me that it is not infectious and may take "a long time" to cure, but now that it has been identified, cured it will eventually be; with a combination of different antibiotics, bathing with Hibiscrub, applying Trimivate Cream 3-times a day, twice daily rub-overs with Balneum Cream and with regular sessions at the local Hospital under a special sunlamp. I have since researched this ailment, which connected my memory to an event around 8-years ago when my head was drenched with dirty old ATF on 2 consecutive days and being away from home I didn't have facilities to bathe properly. At the time I thought that this might lead to dermatitis, but nothing came of it, or so I thought. The moral of this tale is; beware of ATF, especially the dirty old stuff...
  8. What the Country needs now is for Young Bucks to go for a little prick, instead of playing with their own whilst watching crocks of bollock$ on £uckw!tbook. Vaccine take-up by age groups (Selfishness data) Current cases by age groups
  9. Folk don't like such Big Brother activities, especially the French. A better way would be; those without proven medical reason yet refuse free Covid 19 vaccination, by default become liable to fund any subsequent treatment if required for Covid 19. Leaving freedom to make their own decision. Tracking data is as endemic as nomophobia, notwithstanding, folk have the freedom to leave their mobile phone at home, drive on B roads to their favourite Pub or whatever and spend money in cash whilst talking to people in Old Money, just how folk used to in the 80's.
  10. The news is; the Statisticians are on holiday.
  11. TT auto transmission prop flange component part numbers. 34780E YOKE ASSY, FLANGE (FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION) 34780-140201 34780G NUT (FOR ATM FRANGE YOKE) 90179-220181 34780H WASHER, PLATE (FOR ATM FLANGE YOKE) 90201-30005
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