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Nah it should be far better than halo. You have top down commanders who level up and can use various orbital strikes and give bonuses to the squads under them. Each character levels up as though it is an RPG game, with each level is more skill points to spend on more specialised trees. For example you can choose to be qualified to drive heavy tanks and artillery, or dropships and aircraft, or scrap vehicles altogether and use the heavy weapons / anti tank etc. The battles are on continents with three factions - comprises of landscapes, bases, towers, fortifications etc. It will be great, I just hope it catches on as its a game where you have to think a bit instead of running around guns blazing. If you die you dont respawn right away. You have to wait and then pick where to respawn - be it a tower, a base, or a mobile respawn vehicle if anyone on your faction has deployed one closeby. You need teamwork too, as the heavier vehicles require a driver and one or more gunners.
Im no way rich enough to be risking a tech3 ship yet I normally roam around in HACs or Recons - that said ill be playing a bit more with the phantasm.
I was getting a bit bored of this - nothing to do in high sec and my corp virtually vanished over night as people left for a Wormhole corp. I finally followed them to the new wormhole corp - whole different side of things.. went for a 2 hour PVP roam the other night in a fleet of 51 ships all battlecruiser or smaller size. Got a few nice kills including a squad consisting of 2 battleships 1 tech3 cruiser and 3 battlecruisers. Was quite fun PVP definately seems the way to go.. We did loose our scouts a few times to the new tech 3 battlecruisers.. which are strange! large guns shouldnt be able to hit interceptors that easily.
Planetside2 is going to smash this all over. The scale of the battles will be immense and SOE games have a decent track record of being hacker-free. That is usually down to the pay-to-play service though.. so hopefully their take on the free to play model will be sufficiently secure against hackers. BF3 does look good.. but upscale that, throw in a third faction, huge combination of gear / vehicles that you can skill up for and youve got a winner. Plus 400 man battles are going to be crazy
Ive read a few instances of people bypassing the matrix - Are the in / out pipe connections to the bulkhead pipes visible when you look under the bonnet Parry? Although if it were bypassed I imagine all air coming from the vents would be the same as the external temperature..hmm
http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=141755&d=1321461613 Love that plate!
Going to have a look online to find out if there are any reviews available from people that have been on this - looks a bit too good to be true.. where is the catch?
The cars not had an MOT for over a year though mate, they wont do it if the MOT ran out over a year ago - we did try that a while back, and the MOT had ran out 1 year and 17 days at that point, and they simply wouldnt budge.
Thanks for the input guys - as mentioned I have been on the DVLA website etc and had been looking prior to posting at the options - but it just seems like they like red tape, expensive red tape.. for a simple transaction which is moving a plate from one to the other. Im sure theres lots of legitimate reasons for the red tape but as a few people have told me - they wont budge. The retention certificate appears to need an MOT - If an MOTd vehicle is involved in an accident its technically still MOTd, so even if trashed you can get the plate on retention or transferred from what I can follow on the DVLA website. the opposite is not true though if you have a perfectly mechanically sound vehicle lacking an MOT. Im exploring an alternative route that was kindly suggested so hopefully I will make some headway with that - fingers crossed.
Aye mate, it ran out quite a while ago. it became one of those "ill fix it next month" things for a bit too long. I had hoped that theres was another way around it, but it seems like we will have to get it fixed, MOTd and 6 months tax on it. Mind you that will make it easier to sell hopefully.
Its one that belongs to her mom, as she loaned her the car.. which she then reversed into something (and blamed the clutch..). Cant remember it offhand but its nothing too car specific. I think its partly her initials and then 4000 or something.. And yeah it does seem it needs tax, or has had tax in the last 12 months.. it has been that way for a bit longer than that unfortunately!
You don't have a soggy passenger footwell and a strange smell of coolant when you turn the heater on do you? Mine was very easy to diagnose.. as soon as I turned the heating on the car filled with a lovely sweet smelling black smoke as the leaking coolant burned off on the rad! Fun times.. followed by a few days ripping the dash out to replace it
Cheers guys. I was kind of hoping that wasn't the only way of doing it. Ah well its on to plan B then.. digital camera pics of the damage and quotations from various repair shops.
Now then chaps, Is anyone familiar with the rules regarding personal plates and their transfers? We have a car, which had a bit of a bump a while back - so the back end is in a bit of a mess. It has personal plates on that we would like to take off. The car currently has no MOT, hence no tax or insurance and is currently SORNd. We cant put an MOT on it because of the damage and because its not insured etc its hard to get it to a repair shop without getting it transported there and being a captive audience of whichever bodyshop we get it to. We would like to sell the car, but with the damage on it we are not sure if its better to try and get it fixed (mostly cosmetic, she reversed into something, but not sure of any other damage) or to try and sell it 'As is'. If we can move the plates off of it without forking out to get it fixed, taxed and insured then thats a big plus - but so far it seems like thats the only option. Book value if it was fixed is about £2.5k - 105k 2002 honda civic. At a guess the damage looks in excess of £1k. If a breakers yard wanted it for around 1500 she would probably sell it to them, but we really do want to keep the plates. Has anyone dealt with this type of thing before? ideas? Cheers
As suggested - are you sure there is no air lock? I had one after changing the matrix and only really resolved it by parking on a steepish hill to bleed out the airlock - after that it worked fine! When you press the buttons to switch the air circulation method do you hear the flap move - as that rod, as also suggested, does come loose.
I just dont see the point in renting - at least if you own the house and pay a mortgage you have something to show at the end of it - which you could always sell, downgrade and then have a bit of cash to have fun with - although thats assuming you make it to the age where you can do that. But paying someone elses mortgage doesnt appeal to me.. having someone else pay mine does though!
Just bought mine and im 29, years of hard saving meant a decent deposit.. mortgage is now less than 200 a month but it was a cheap house and the deposit was considerable! totally wiped out now though.. however I aim to do it up, pay off the capital and rent it out in the future to offset my next mortgage.. tricky but its worth a shot
Two small skips, either side of it.
Ive just had a similar problem sorted out on my rear pass side by replacing the shock. It was a constant knocking sound over even smooth roads but not too noticeable when going over larger bumps. I may be asking a silly question but have you jacked it up and tried moving the wheel up / down by hand? The mechanic did that with mine to diagnose that it was the shock which was fubar.
for sale 1994 (L) Silver Supra Shell taxed and moted - £700
JS2004 replied to a topic in Parts for Sale
Was the suspension still for sale - if so, price, condition, any rattles etc? Mainly just interested in the rear ones. -
DamanC - Dont suppose you could rank the notebook processors in order of their power could you? like you did with the desktop CPUs? Gfs looking at buying a netbook.. "because its purple.." from argos.. ugh. It has an atom processor. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5084227.htm#pdpFullProductInformation I personally thought argos sells junk / end of life stock for way more than its worth - but I could be wrong.. But seeing that the netbook has DDR2 memory isnt a good sign - is that total pants or is it alright for the price? CPU and Memory: Intel Atom N450. Processor speed 1.66GHz. 1GB DDR2 RAM. 160GB hard drive. Display features: 10.1in display. Resolution 1024 x 600 pixels. Graphics: Intel GMA 3150 graphics card. Interfaces and connectivity: Multi-card media card reader. Multi-Media Card (MMC) compatible. 3 USB ports. B/g/n wireless/WiFi enabled. Multi-media features: 1.3MP built-in webcam. Operating system and software: Microsoft Windows 7 Starter. Preloaded manufacturers applications included: Music. Photo. Movie. Business. Tuition. Gaming. General features: Up to 4 hours battery life. Size H2.4, W25.85, D18.5cm. Weight 1.25kg. EAN/MPN/UPC/ISBN: 4712842196853. Her specification is it has to "look pretty" and be less than £200 quid - even the smart ones like pretty things I guess hehe.
Reformatted! After initial teething problems - which included me thinking I had fried both the 320 gig hdds in the system.. ive finally managed to get it back up and running again! Tons smoother, stuff loads quite quick now, no random hanging in eve (which is good!) Ended up with it trying to boot from a network and didnt realise, so left it for about an hour thinking "okay.. somethings gotta happen soon surely" - beyond me how it changed the boot order in the bios without me touching it! However I will be shopping for a solid state drive soon =) I like the idea of them now and figure a 50gig one for the OS will be "future proof" to a degree as it can move if / when I buy new bits!
You could try PMing one of the mods directly to help organise this - It might give you some better results as I am not sure how many people would be viewing this part of the site in comparison to more visible areas.
Righto - plan of action in place. Stage 1 is reinstall OS - I cant get hold of a Win 7 disk at the moment. Does it take more system resources to run the win 7 over xp? Stage 2 is start looking into building another system. I will probably collect pieces over a number of months, one or two per month, then when its all ready I will put it together. Back when I first bought this rig I spent quite a lot, and it lasted a long time. With that in mind I am probably going to aim for a high end motherboard as the other parts can then be upgraded and plugged in as / when needed. the I7 950 is a bit pricy, I tend to opt for the less pricy, but still reasonably overclockable chips. I am not sure what the differences are between an I5 or an I7, however that has given me something to start researching into (I thought we were still working with quad-cores ! yikes im out of date.. ) P67 chipset - that bit has me confused - do you mean motherboard? ASUS or EVGA is probably my preferred brand of motherboard. What do you guys think of OCZ memory? I have always used it and not had much problems but since I have never used any other brand I cant say if its better / worse than other - I know the tech support they provide is really great - to the point of one guy helping me with my overclocking over a period of 3 weeks, sending in stress test results and pics of system snapshots etc. Are todays GPU`s still as power hungry as the old geforce 8800`s were - i.e. would I be safe using an 850w psu or can it be downgraded a bit. I keep hearing about solid state drives too - are these essentially big flash drives? Cheers for the input thus far!