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Everything posted by Seb

  1. Off the top of my head can't suggest anything along those lines but I've ordered de Blob, which is meant to be excellent fun, and the always mental Samba de Amigo
  2. Seb

    Wipeout HD

    Just in case any PS3 owners out there weren't aware of this, it's available now from the PS Store via download only for a poxy £12! Got my copy this evening and while I've not had a chance to play yet, the reviews have been excellent, the graphics are absolutely stunning and it's a full PS3 game for £12, so you're onto a winner whichever way you look at it!
  3. God damn I love my Touch! I've never had an iPod before and don't like Apple stuff but after playing on my mate's iPhone I concluded that the whole touch business was so cool I had to have it and, not needing a new phone , I got a Touch. Managed to nab a four week old 8gb one off eBay for £112 - bargain! Not put a single song on it yet, too busy filling it with apps and games and playing around with it. Damn cool and great fun but really practical too.
  4. Seb

    Best film ever?

    Words fail me really... It's called The Machine Girl and, well, you just need to see for yourself... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=eSpCWJnnWVI
  5. I thought you'd posted your final thoughts on this subject a few pages back?
  6. Lol, that was funny and everyone's happy at the end which is the most important thing!
  7. Lol, yes! Had a go on my mates, twas well cool. He also had lightsabre, something with a pint of beer and that Tap Tap Revolution game.
  8. Just treated myslef to an iPod Touch off eBay today and obviously first step will be to Jailbreak it and then load it up with cool stuff. I had a look around and found a few half decent apps and stuff but was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some of the cool games and apps or suggest the best ones to go for? Cheers!
  9. They're saying this was started by a chemical fire which is why it's still burning.
  10. I started learning a few months ago and dived straight in with tabs. Good fun and a good way to get results which makes you feel like you've achieved something!
  11. http://weirdandinteresting.blogspot.com/2008/08/fish-found-in-boys-penis.html
  12. Mate, why on earth are you going to a main dealer? Unless it's for warranty work then get yourself to a decent specialist.
  13. That is cheap. I paid £75 for my Stagg and amp but I also got a tuner, some software, a case, spare strings and lead.
  14. I was watching a program about people who do this for a living and it;s a good way to make money out of desperate people. I can't remember the mechanics of it but say you're going to lose your house, this bloke gives you 50p for it, takes on the mortgage and then rents it out or sells it or something... I don't but anyway, it works.
  15. Seb

    Orangina advert

    I saw this the other day and had a genuine WTF moment. So, so strange, who on earth dreamed this one up?!
  16. Yes. Say it quickly...
  17. Seb

    Bmw m3

    Then auto seeing as it has two pedals.
  18. Seb

    Bmw m3

    In technical terms, it's a manual gearbox, but for insurance pruposes etc. I'd put it down as an auto.
  19. Truly horrific and I love the way they show it again, and again, and again...
  20. Well I got it, and I've heard worse jokes I suppose.
  21. Seb

    Indoor Cats

    What about a ragdoll cat?
  22. If I had the money spare you'd be missing an arm right now because I would have bitten it off.
  23. I really enjoy kites but have only ever flown small (1m), single strings. I'd like to try something a bit bigger but one that can still be used safely in parks etc. and won't need huge areas to fly in. What do you recommend?
  24. Thanks everyone, very useful stuff.
  25. Few more from the site: "I've just read Viz issue 173, and believe me, it was a laugh a minute. Mind you, I'm a speed reading expert, and I got through the f****r in 90 seconds." "I saw a man putting a plastic bag of dogs**t in a bin on a lamp post the other day. A sign on the bin read 'Advertise Your Business Here.' Well, I for one cannot think of a business that could possibly benefit from an association with bins of dogs**t on lamp posts." "What a load of rubbish these modern so-called comedy programmes are these days. They are usually full of swearing and filth and are just not funny. What ever happened to proper comedies, like the one set in that shop with the s**t-stabber and the woman with the blue hair who was always always talking about her c**t?" "The news that Tony Blair is set to publish his memoirs for £5m fills me with disgust. What a ludcrous price for a book. I for one will be waiting until it comes out in paperback." "I couldn't believe my luck the other day when I received an envelope on which were printed the words 'Check Inside. You Could Already Have Won Half A Million Pounds.' And sure enough, there inside the envelope was half a million pounds in crisp new £50 notes." "In Boots the other day I saw some packets of Immodium in the last minute impulse-buy rack by the till. Now chewing gum I can understand, but you've either got chonic diarrohea or you haven't." !It is said that gentlemen prefer blondes. I hope then that lesbians prefer brunettes, otherwise we might have to organise some kind of rota system." "I knitted a jumper for my husband this Christmas, but I couldn't shake off a nagging feeling that I'd gone wrong somewhere. I was sure it was the right size and his favourite colour. I realised my mistake when I came to give it him his gift on Christmas Day - I suddenly remembered that he died in 1973." "Doctors say that you should eat 5 pieces of fruit or veg a day to remain healthy. Last week I ate 5 mouldy plums and that night I shat the bed. What's healthy about that? " "I'm a terrorist, and when ID cards come into force I will probably employ great cunning and not declare that as my job. I'll probably say I'm a grocer or something." "How lucky for the mystery man found wandering on the Isle of Sheppey that he was a virtuoso on the piano. Had he been a maestro on the cymbals and stood clashing them together all day, I doubt his carers would have been as impressed."
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