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Supra Articles
Everything posted by C_Strike
bump, still needing one please:)
european dobermanns really are working dogs, unlike the american counterparts that are little more than pets... you realy dont want to cross a dobermann, especially EU strains lol love them though the missus is scared of them. i wouldnt be to keen on free roaming dobermann with kids. They need a strong owner with time to give them, maybe having it free roam could give the dog too much dominance. a well rounded, intelligent and kid friendly breed that may apply for your needs is a GSD. It will be obedient and incredibly affectionate but also look after you, your land, your kids and will always be trying to please you. I would say collie but quite often working collies are stubborn and not too keen on kids. For a small pet dog, you really cant go wrong with a staffy though particularly with kids.. they are incredible around kids. For a big dog, if your budget extends, maybe a boerboel? they're absolutely massive but are fantastic dogs
the idea of entropy and disorder explains the lifecycle of our universe for what i get.. from a uniform constant to a mass of disorganisation, slowly reverting back to a uniform constant. From out of the ordered singularity, the bigbang, came disorganisation. As planets blow up they lose matter as its shot out into the vaccum of space which impacts the size of the objects formed in the wake... after however many explosions and reformations the amount of available matter is greatly reduced and thus, so is the size of the object.. Stars are only formed when a stellar object attains a certain mass.. but at somepoint there isnt going to be enough matter to create fusion within the objects, the stars will die out never to burn again...Thats only a minute part of the story though as the energy and life of neutron stars and blackholes takes an unimagineable time to fizzle. There will be no stars, no light, no nothing other than darkness and the emtpy carcasses of what was once our universe.. even this will become more ordered and become a much more constant across the expanse of the universe until the point that nothing happens, everything is equally spread where ever you are random fact that bemuses me about blackholes is that if it was theoretically possible to get close and orbit one, at some distance where light cant escape but can orbit the object, you could stand there and you would see the back of your head right in front of you, lol
Theres a great deal of space between atoms everything, even diamond is made of more empty space than matter. My very amateur thoughts are towards a black hole being the next step up from a nuetron star in supermassive stars. The gravitational pull of a neutron star is 2×10 tpo 11 times that on Earth (i have no idea how to do exponetitation on pc:P). Its due to the organisation of the sub-atomic particles being so tight. In my worthless opinion, black holes could simply be the next step up in supermassive stars. Stars where the particles are packed even tighter.
Hi all, i wasnt sure which forum ths fits most approriately. Im not sure if iv made a mistake. Has anyone ordered anything from drivenandridden.co.uk before? Im a bit paranoid it might be a scam site, im jsut hoping someone can quell my paranoia, lol i bought braided hoses and they are supposed to have arrived today but failed to. They have subsequently informed me that its sent out via 2nd class mail. Il leave it til tomorrow afternoon to contact again. on a side note... I paid £5 delivery and they informed me its sent out via 2nd class when i first contacted them (atleast they replied)... so why did i pay for delivery? lol cheers
Bump on this... I just need an MOT worthy exhaust, though a full standard is preferable.. Either close enough to Bath/Bristol for pickup, or seller is prepared to send the items via courier please:)
Think Nine inch nails originally did this one. I think the world of the cover by Johnny cash - Hurt. Its the most emotive and provocative song i know of, it makes me teary and reflect on my life everytime i hear it. its so powerful, particularly with Johnny cashs voice. Have a listen, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o22eIJDtKho
its nice that you were informed also, my girlfriends had two cats run over and neither time was she informed. The first time the poor thing was left to die on a dual carriageway, i dont understand some mentalities. Sorry to hear for your loss, but as has been said astleast there is comfrot knowing it didnt suffer any.
Dodgy equipment at work resulted in something falling on my finger whilst holding a sheet of sharp metal. it tore off all the layers of skin on the inside of the joint at the top of my middle finger and i didnt think too much of it so i never went to the docs, i just glued the piece of skin back on myself in the tool shed, lmao at some point, some time after the incident it must have became infected. It developed a sore swelling so i used a stanley and dug out a solid white lump of something lol had to really tug to pull it out, it was in a sealed and isolated pocket of skin, needless to say i showed everyone the lump, lol
they were in serious decline during the start of last century, over sue of pesticides in agricultural lands reduced them to comparitively few but thanks to better pesticides and techniques, they have made a come back. Large and incompetant flyers but i think theyr funky little things
Well the car is now back with me, sorted. Apparently the guy said he had to use longer studs as there wasnt enough length on them. The standards are ones he tried and didnt go apparently. I dont know for sure, but he possibly used the standard because he made mention of the fact he didnt notice until earlier today that the studs are different lengths from the front of the car to the back as standard... After a week! im jsut glad to have the damn thing back, lol Very frustrating to know something like a wheel stud could cause such grief!
Yo, anyone else had to have their studs changed to cater for different alloys? After two years of ownership iv just found out my hub studs are bigger than standard, so as to fit TSW EVO alloys. PITA I tried to get my wheels changed the other day to find the wheel nuts were crap and fused to the wheels.. The studs have had to be drilled out and replaced but im having real trouble finding appropriate studs. We picked up some Escort rally studs from Merlin motors, but im not sure they will go on, the mech is trying to modify them. Anyone else had/ done this and know what studs will fit without major modification? The car is in garage atm so i dont have much info on the wheel size and stuff... other than its 17inch and im told can fit up to 255 tyres. I dont really understand why the studs had to be replaced, lol
I use globals, good knives.
Stormrage horde here. Racked up a rediculous amount of hours in played time.. was mainly pre-TBC as TBC sucked ass. I played a couple of months in wrath and cataclysm but levelled 3 characters and had a number of the best items on them. I tired pretty quick of the expansion packs including cataclysm. I havent played it for about a year now. In my opinion, the original 'vanilla' was the best times, in MC and BWL.
Is the Bentley modeled on a brick? cracking job if so
After Jafest and seeing a celica paintined with nothing more than hammerite spray cans or something, i was actually impressed with the results. Iv decided im going to paint my bonnet this method. Black with a matt finish. Pretty sure i remember someone here doing their whole supra this method... Evin was it? Eitherway, iv just a couple of questions. Do i need to sand the bonnet first? I can then sand out the stone chips on it if so, or will it give me a different finish than if i just sprayed it? I assume the paint would have issues sticking to the gloss laquer of the bonnet currently without sanding. Also, would it be wise to primer it before painting? It would save me a load of cash doing it this way, and the results on the celica were pretty much the results id like, no spray lines and such so id get the desired result for a fraction of the price. Its a temporary thing as i am going to get my car vinyled or resprayed somepoint anyway. i just like tinkering:P Any help or advise on painting the bonnet with black matt spray cans would be appreciated, buff as it sounds lol!
Still looking for this if anyone can help?
Dweebs too, those were awesome. lol recently had this discussion at work
Mines all wireless, working fine as we speak. Going with the crowd on this one..
Cruel, sticking the GTO next to such a nice supra.Beautiful in its own right but it may as well be invisible with that supra next to it, lol
Engine Specifications: N/A Turbocharger & Induction: N/A Fuel, Tuning & ECU: N/A Exhaust: N/A Drivetrain: N/A Weight Reduction & Transfer: N/A Suspension, Wheels, Tires & Brakes: N/A Interior & ICE: N/A Exterior: N/A Performance: Max power - ??? bhp @ rear hubs Max torque - ??? lb/ft Max speed - ??? mph 0-60 - ?.? seconds
il get back to you about this later today:) ta wouldnt mind knowing if you have any pics? how loud is it?
Mate, i really wouldnt know where to begin, lets see. ..£100?
i need a full system sorry.. infact, i may contact you again about it if i can locate the other parts easy enough, cheers