another boring fact.... camel spiders have 8legs, and are no more a spider, than a scorpion is. They still fall into arachnidae (they are known as solifugids) as with mites and harvestmen.
They have never been found to posess venom glands, nor any method of injecting venom, they have no venom ducts on their mandibles.
Its nothing more than an urban myth regarding their toxicity:P sorry to be boring and TOTALLY anal:P
btw, anyone been told the story from a 'friend' about one of their 'friends' that own a boa that free roams the house, and the poor fellar woke up to the snake measuring itself against his body in order to eat him? thats about as true as the story about WMDs in iraq, lol
Fascinating creatures solifugids are, but as far as arachnids go, scorps eat them, as do spiders so out of the three families, they are lowest in the chain. possibly the coolest looking though?