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Everything posted by C_Strike

  1. C_Strike

    Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

    Is that blood i notice on the fourth picture? the car is a bit of a mess, probably more than a polish needed, but good to hear your ok. As above, im curious what happened to end like that. I have always tried to avoid taking my supra out on the ice, but sometimes thats not possible.
  2. C_Strike


    My supra got egged about 4days ago. I put it in the yard to clean it up and by the time i got all the equipment, the greyhound had kindly licked it all clean. lol Sorry to hear about yours, but hopefully it will just polish out.
  3. well, i live 2mins drive from the Event, but il probably come join the cruise from Reading.. if thats a meet point again this year:) sounds wicked
  4. Im a fan of the lambo, thats nice for its art, but i dont think id like it on the dash.. Its probably just one of those things and youl find people will actually like how it looks once done.. Worst case scenario, try and if it sucks, buy a new dash.. surely they're not all that much?
  5. Have seen that video only a week or two ago, its actually an example of the reason for a couple of my negative encounters.. Police officers trying to enforce 'laws' that they know nothing about. An example is when i recieved a fine for having a jap standard sized rear license plate, they said because there is room, it should have uk spec. Also the spacing between the letters. After this encounter, i did my own research and measured the spaces and borders and found them to be 100% legal. After complaining down at the police station, and having to measure it infront of the officer, he dissapeared for 45minutes to return and tell me i didnt have the postcode on it so the penalty remained. That wasnt even the reason i was pulled.
  6. the times we have needed them theyv been a bag of excrement, lol thats the issue. I used to support them, my father is a cop and i wanted to become one. Due to experiences whilst encountering them for numerous different things, My opinion has reversed polarity. ( BTW, Nothing illegal, havent been caught for those things ;P ) They need a complete overhaul, the public as a whole are losing faith in them, i dont know many people that bother with them for most things. I have been accused of a number of different things whilst in my car though i can 110% assure these alegations were rubbish. its such a shame its crumbled to such a situation but unfortunately it seems a large portion of the country feel the same.
  7. I have no time or patience for the police, theyre a useless waste of taxes. Nothing more than legalised bullies in my experience. Have yet to meet a decent one with some grasp of morality and decency. its a shame, as in principal theyre a fantastic idea... i just dont get how its dissolved into the current situation. Can you tell im not a fan? hehe
  8. Iv just been looking to buy some wheel nuts, these ones... http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/Search.do?method=delegate&n=1288&p=246952&s=wheel+nuts Can someone please enlighten me as to which thread i need, i assume the thread size is something dictated by the car and not the fitted alloys? It has TSW evo alloys just incase
  9. Hi all, i have a pair of new dunlop sports maxx i have been given, anyone used/using these? Currently using contisports, which are better?
  10. Hey, just wondering how common these spoilers are. I have seen a few pictures of them but none for sale.. has anyone got one in UK for sale? cheers
  11. C_Strike

    Oil filter

    i have just paid £3.50 for a brand new blue print oil filter, seeing the prices you guys have listed it makes me weiry! lol i dont remember them being that cheap last time i changed it. Are blue print ones any good?
  12. will take this, need to arrange funds as i only have cash atm, PM me and wel get it sorted:)
  13. Was literally about 30 minutes previous to my post. It was a Jspec with standard rear and spoiler. Private plate, but i cant remember it. Pretty dirty if that helps narrow it down?
  14. Just thought id say hello. i had to overtake a couple of cars in order to catch up but felt obliged as its christmas.. and i havent seen a supra whilst having been in mine for a good 6 months! Nice looking car, shifted well:) Have a happy Christmas
  15. no comparison between skyrim and assassins creed buddy, coldnt really be more different. So far, iv found magica the way to go, i have it on Adept difficulty and can happily kill dragons before they land, lol There is some wicked missions in the game, thoroughly enjoying it so far.
  16. Its much better than oblivion so far, im lvl17 now and really enjoying the game. Im a Thief
  17. just bought this for £8 from blockbuster, enjoying the game so far.. though im growing tiresome very quickly of the virtual people and just end up killing them, whole towns in fact, lmao... Bring on Skyrim!
  18. iv got to 32 soloo, not so keen on co-op zombies.. i suck at coop anywho so id be no good, lol
  19. how much on the sideskirts and spoiler if your selling these? cheers
  20. about half of the dust on the moon is nothing more than silicone dioxide.. glass is formed and shattered just as quick by the impacts of meteors.. the rest is the usual kind of materials, iron, calcium and a few others... The real question is why does it smell like gunpowder?? lol random but true.. apparently
  21. I swear i have OCD regardinng arachnids.. sorry:P haha
  22. another boring fact.... camel spiders have 8legs, and are no more a spider, than a scorpion is. They still fall into arachnidae (they are known as solifugids) as with mites and harvestmen. They have never been found to posess venom glands, nor any method of injecting venom, they have no venom ducts on their mandibles. Its nothing more than an urban myth regarding their toxicity:P sorry to be boring and TOTALLY anal:P btw, anyone been told the story from a 'friend' about one of their 'friends' that own a boa that free roams the house, and the poor fellar woke up to the snake measuring itself against his body in order to eat him? thats about as true as the story about WMDs in iraq, lol Fascinating creatures solifugids are, but as far as arachnids go, scorps eat them, as do spiders so out of the three families, they are lowest in the chain. possibly the coolest looking though?
  23. wish it was so Kevin, but i would assume that they would lose their deposit if they left early. Otherwise id tell them all to find somewhere else. I think your right Andrew, he comes across to be a bit of a primitive moron. I actually dont think he even knows his own rights, or lack of, as a landlord.
  24. Staples, were you working in North Africa or middle east? thats a nice specimen. crazy little things arent they:p
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