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Watching TV through PC.TV Licence required?
Kevan replied to SIMON LC's topic in Non-Supra Technical
Sorry to come in late. Easy option, and legal, is to use the catch-up services - iPlayer, 4OD etc. as you don't need a licence. If you are operating equipment capable of receiving live broadcast then you need a licence. So the BBC News 24 online feed requires a licence. A TV card in a PC is undetectable but still illegal to operate without a licence. Bottom line, if you want to watch live TV, pay up! Alternatively, forget TV and get a llife instead.[1] K. [1] TV and a life are mutually exclusive IMNSHO -
We were having a quiet lunch at the pub there when the peace was shattered by a red wingless screamed past. I think your exhaust is fscked mate!
Parked up in L******* Road. We were in the silver Aerotop that turned round just behind your car. If all goes according to plan, we could be neighbours soon K.
My point was that both websites have their own agenda, and both are calling for compulsory winter tyres. We are a small, and totally unrepresentative, sample of British drivers, the overwhelming majority of whom won't have a second set of wheels and have no desire for one. To force them to keep, store and twice a year, change to a second set is unreasonable. Especially as we don't have the severe weather experienced in the countries that have legislated for them. Tyres sold in this country are 'all-season' and, although a compromise, meet all the relevant safety standards in place here. If you search this site, you will find a link to research that demonstrates that tyre width makes no difference to contact patch, it's purely down to mass and tyre pressure. All that happens with wider tyres is the patch changes shape. I can't remember the link but I found it from here. Deeper tread is only the case when new and all tyres will become illegale at the same depth Your comment about temperature is valid, however, tyres are designed to operate within quite a wide temperature band which is achieved in all but the most extreme circumstances. I still maintain that the best way to be safe is to drive according to the conditions, we drive relatively powerful, RWD cars so a lighter throttle foot is essential when the conditions deteriorate. There's a huge body of research into risk compensation which suggests that any safety measures that are put in place are negated by us (as humans) taking greater risks. One such research subject has shown that since the advent of seat belts and airbags, we generally drive faster and brake later. If swapping tyres makes you feel more comfortable, then do it. You will be a little more relaxed and therefore, a better driver. Don't, however, fall into the trap of thinking they will allow you to be a little more reckless. Drive safe, K.
By far the most sensible option. I wasn't suggesting that winter wheels and tyres are a bad idea, just that the quoted sites aren't independent and have their own agenda. I have a set of standard wheels, unfortunately the previous owner put ditchfinders on them so I daren't use them in the winter. He also had asymetrics on the front and directional on the back which makes for 'interesting' handling K.
The principle still applies. I've been riding litre plus bikes for over 20 years, since friction (and hence traction) is a factor of mass they're far easier to spin up than _any_ car and the principal works there too. Slow down until you know your vehicle and learn what it feels like to lose grip. Also learn how to react when it happens. If you can't do that then you certainly don't have the skill to drive a 500BHP car, on any tyres. K
Both those websites are tyre companies, of course they want you to buy winter tyres and pay them to change them over twice a year. It's nothing more than a blatantly transparent marketting ploy based on fear. I don't care how good their deals are, I won't use scum that try that. The simple answer is to drive more carefully in adverse conditions. To learn what your care feels like when it's losing traction and how to react when it does. The cosmetic issues are another thing entirely and, as others have suggested, stock wheels are the simplest choice for a winter set.
Thanks Gambit, I can now order them
Sorry to drag up an old thread but does anyone have the part number for the ratchet? I've tried ToyoDIY but can't find it there. I've also tried the search facility but to no avail. Ta K.
Fabulous pics, brings back memories of my trips down there this summer. A week in July and then 2 weeks in Sept. Managed to get across to Andorra on one day, seriously twisty bits I think we definitely need a Supes in the Sun trip. Just don't go in August as the South of France is full of Parisians May/Early June or Early Sept are the best times, no kids and the weather is still brilliant. K.
Passenger or driver's mirror?
and arrived yesterday! Ooooh, shiney :o) Thanks K.
That's very good. On a long motorway cruise I can manage about 350 miles from a tank but that might be because I only see 70 briefly as the needle passes on it's way to 130 (kph) K.
How easy are they to fit? If they can be fitted without removal of the dash then I'll take them at £25. K.
123reg host the domain for those prices but not the website. I believe they allow you to put a custom holding page for the domain but it won't be something you can use as a one page site as the size will be limited. They also provide web hosting, I can't remember their prices but they're reasonable. I can recommend them for service as they host all my domains. K.
The one on the left looks discoloured, is it? Thanks K.
Did you really buy those shoes?
If it's a popular site with a healthy membership then I'm sure there are other car organisations that would want it. Before expressing interest, I'd expect to know the hosting/bandwidth costs and any advertising revenues. Do the members support it? Questions like that. Is is a single marque site or a more general site? Sorry if this seems to be rambling, I'm just typing questions that occur to me. I'd consider taking it on subject to satisfactory answers to the above questions. If you'd like to PM the URL, I'll take a look and come back to you. K.
The issue with the seat rail could be due to the little white plug that locates the worm drive. It's at the front of the centre rail and if it's loose or missing then that side won't move on the motor. HTH K.
for sale lots of bits for supra and random other jap cars for sale
Kevan replied to neilthenut's topic in Parts for Sale
Do you have all the dash panels in the box of trim, if so, how much? Ta K. -
Does the speedo interpret a pulsed signal from the pick-up and then display the speed or is this function performed by the ECU? If the speedo/odo interpret the pulses then a simple conversion would be to install UK spec items. Anyone know? TIA K.
Didn't get the reg but I was in the silver Aerotop that followed it off the ferry on Sat morning. It turned North towards Belgium while I went straight on towards Paris. I've only just got back from the South of France so couldn't post until today K.
Are you still reading this thread? Do you still have the suspension units? K.
As most of the other posters here hsve said, if you like it then that's all that matters. It's not to my taste but the photo's suggest the paint is extremely well done. As for Barryboys, the site does feature some of the worst custom jobs you can imagine. Yhe only reason for your car appearing on there is jealosy, theirs is shite so they pick on a decent car. Ignore them.