Please help
As winter is almost with us I only tend to use my car at the weekend if the weather is good, so this means that somtimes I can go for a couple of weeks without using it.
However when I go to start the supe, instead of firing up straight away it will make the systems check clicking noises (TCR, airbags etc) but not turn over. After doing this 3-4 times it suddenly bursts into life as normal (no long turning over).
I do realise that just leaving the car with the alarm on for long peroids whilst not in use will eventually drain the battery and it is for this reason that it is connected up to a Draper Battery Master (trickle charger) when not in use. However this does not change the situation likewise just starting the car in the garage for a few minutes does not make any difference.
Other than this the Supe is first class.
Have I got a dogdy starter motor or is the trickle charger to blame?
Any other reasons?
Your thoughts please gentlemen.