Hi matey firstly welcome:grouphug:
Any pics of your cars ?? I owned 2 mk3 in my time but I'm no mechanic but know a bit. In a nutshell if your getting a UK one the two biggest worries are the dreaded rot around the arches and joints and underseals etc but the worst failing is the head gasket are notoriously known for failing. The leather interior is shite to say the least I have never seen an unworn drivers seat in my life but that one in the listing looks good the cloth ones are very durable but very 80's look lol I owned a UK and an import tbh I would look for an import all day long unless if the UK has great history and very good condition. Apart from them the cars are really bulletproof.
Just read the advert and the price has been reduced because surprise surprise the head needs doing and at 1500 that's not cheap !!
Anyway hope that helps they are good fun but just get a MK IV and enjoy