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Everything posted by SupraDan24

  1. It's cool fella, it's yours if he wants to deliver.
  2. SupraDan24

    Keyring Idea

    It would look better without the reflection of the text if you ask me.
  3. Not sure if i'd have dibs before you mate if he decides to post. Edit: Just seen how much you've offered him lol. I won't be going anywhere near that high so i'm out.
  4. Edit: Just seen you have spoken to them already. Try getting money knocked off when you get there, they're charging you for their own mistake for one.
  5. Your not reading it wrong fella
  6. Try sticking them back in the oven to get rid of the condensation, then once dry give sealing them another go. You wont have to resplit them that way.
  7. The diffuser ruins the look, I think you should take it off and sell it......to me
  8. Have you checked your boot as Dnk has said, it's a good shout. It's easy to pull the wrong leaver.
  9. I thought the plan was to make it 4 days next time, thats the gist I got after last Dragonball anyway. Dragonball is fantastic, but 3 days just isn't long enough seeing as 2 of 3 days are used up travelling too and from the destination. Thats only my opinion though.
  10. Only 3 days again Just not long enough to warrent 3yrs running for me.
  11. Instead of using the 3 screws you can use the white plastic toggle on the back of the electric motor and adjust it manually with a philips screw driver. It only takes a few seconds Adjusting in car is obv much better, but using the white toggle is far better than the 3 screws. Edit: If you want to adjust it in situ, you'll need a 8mm socket, it slides straight over the white toggle then you can adjust it easily in a few seconds.
  12. You all wrong, i'm fairly certain the flux capacitor will be out of sync with the continium transfunctioner
  13. There not all like that though Westy. If it makes you feel any better, i've just removed my facelift lights and they are the same as yours Fortunately i'm fitting UK spec headlights though, so the difference in bulbs worked in my favour
  14. I'm just about to install my new Uk spec headlights so this thread has come in handy
  15. The Gen 2 Do-luck skirts are similar to those I believe http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=do-luck+supra&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1920&bih=938&tbm=isch&tbnid=MRfQvAOV7WMOXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.luxurysports.co.nz/products.php%3FProGroupId%3D1%26ProductId%3D19&docid=XxlQNaqWmUs98M&imgurl=http://www.luxurysports.co.nz/images/bodykits/doluck_supra.jpg&w=545&h=272&ei=E_x1UL-GBefI0AXlzIDoBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=149&vpy=168&dur=152&hovh=158&hovw=318&tx=161&ty=81&sig=100409797916912144191&page=1&tbnh=87&tbnw=175&start=0&ndsp=45&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:71
  16. Haha I meant "like you", I can't even Ninja edit it either as you've quoted me. You've won this round Mr Havard :shakesfist:
  17. When I grow up, I want to be just you like
  18. How about instead of patronising him, you prioritise the "many issues" and answer the Q's that are being asked time and time again, instead of procrastinating. Answer about the receipt and the engine rebuild.
  19. Alway's amazes me by how fast those guys work. I think they eat their sandwiches in rotation so they don't have to stop working haha.
  20. Thought I would bump this up as it's just helped me. I actually left the speedo needle off when I took it for a drive, took it up to 50mph on the SAT NAV and then popped the needle on at the 50mph position. I've checked it at 70mph and 80mph and its still spot on, so definately works
  21. Are you this illusive Paul I've been reading about :overlysuspiciousfacefollowedbyblinkingface:
  22. I remember the thread with the guy who had the kit. I spoke to him and from what he told me, he ended up spending quite a bit of money, not much different cost wise from going single.
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