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Everything posted by SupraDan24

  1. Isn't 3 scoops of Protein a day too much Geo? I'm sure you know better than me but it seems an awful lot to me, i imagine a fair amount of that would just pass straight through your system? I would say 2 scoops would be more than ample, especially with the protein your ingesting through your diet as well.
  2. Always loved that kit, i think it looks awesome
  3. I'd be interested in buying you OEM skirts and Spats outright as i have been looking for some for ages in 040 white Edit: can someone attach pictures of what the Stock Pods and plastic garnish actually are as i'm not sure what you mean? The plastic garnish, is that the rear black plastic trim that attached to the rear bumper under where the spats fix?
  4. Am i the only one who thinks those carbon pipes don't look good at all? Immense performance though, fair play to him.
  5. No, the buyer pulled out i think. Maybe it should be Reupforsale
  6. I love how 600bhp is just a small figure to you
  7. I'm still holding out hope they will eventually make a Justice League movie, much better than The Avengers imo. Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Martian Manhunter and The Flash just to name a few
  8. Any chance of making this thread a temporary sticky like the Suprapod thread, much easier to find that way?
  9. Here's a link to a thread about how to spot fake Aerocatches, i actually bought mine from Ebay and i checked them and they were fine. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?258819-Beware-of-Fake-Aerocatches-Please-check-yours-before-it-s-to-late As for location, have a look at Rog's pics, or http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=Supra+Aerocatch&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=653&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=lbWaT5KWHeSD6AHehKzpDg, i think there is only realistically 2 places they can go (you can see both in the google link, look at the red and blue Supra's with the Top Secret Vented bonnets) with various orientations depending on where you want them to point. Mine will be between the headlights at around a 45degree angle following a similar sort of line as the slant of the headlights, having them above the headlights doesn't look as good imo. Lockable ones are best also. Hope this helps.
  10. Cj mentioned you were going to put a new Turbo on it for him for Dragonball, is this the one you meant?? Bet he'd enjoy that !!
  11. I have a Supra and a Mini also, you sir have good taste White TT6 and a BRG 1275 Mini Cooper, my two dream cars
  12. Very very cheap this, good luck with the new car Chris
  13. Lmao nice sneaky percentage edit there
  14. Just get the seller to send you the tracking number, thats what i do. I sent aload of stuff to Ashbuster on here, i made sure to arrange the postage so if there were any problems i could sort it out myself. I also took alot of detailed photos of the condition of the parts before and after wrapping. When they were collected, i made the guy sign the sheets that i had printed off to say he had collected X amount of packages. When they were picked up to contacted Ash and gave him the tracking details Its a bit of hassle, but it should help you avoid any mishaps which WILL eventually happen as all freight companies i've ever used really dont give a crap about the customer.
  15. We've all done it mate, myself included. If they don't want to arrange the delivery themselves, tell them no dice.
  16. This is why you should get the seller to arrange the delivery. By arranging it yourself your taking all the risk and trusting him to his word.
  17. You can manually move it forward with a ratchet, there's two bolts on the front. If you stick your head in the driver foot well and look back at the seat, their pretty easy to spot. Spinning them clockwise/counter clockwise will determine if they move forward or backward. Out of curiosity, did you move the seat all the way back just before the motors stopped working? Because that's what happened to me. I suspect the motor may not be broken, just not able to turn for whatever reason.
  18. Cheers Dunk, it will be nice to see what the cost is anyway incase anyone has any use of the guy in the future If i turns out i cant blast it off then it may be my only option.
  19. I bought them from "superclarkey" on Driftworks. According to him he didn't know there were "chew" marks along the entire circumfrance of all four wheels where they'd been clamped to remove the tyres. Despite owning the wheels for quite a while, and taking the time to polish one of the centres up for the add....but he never noticed all the marks that were so glaringly obvious Stevie Wonder could have seen them. He's removed all the text out of his For Sale add now so i couldn't prove anything.
  20. I've just read this thread. Firstly, fair play to Peter, you seem to be doing a good job of it. I dont see why anyone, namely adam, should care less if your builing a giant pink dildo car, if its what YOU want then fill your boots i say. Secondly adam, depsite what you keep saying to the contrary, you seem to need to validate your build in every other sentance. This is NOT your build thread, if you want to go on about how amazing your wheels are, or how good the red leather is, go do it on your build thread.
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