Holy Crap where do i start, i really am a sad case. I've never been diagnosed with OCD but then again i've never tried to be lol.
I can never sit still, i fidget all the time regardless of where i am or what I'm doing, its worse when i'm trying to lay/sit still. I tense my thigh muscles every 5 seconds, i cant stop doing it, i've done it for years. When i was a kid i used to blink all the time, i couldnt stop but i grew out of it somehow. I flex my fingers on my left hand all day everyday, i dont know why. The Tv/Radio volumes cant be an odd number, has to be even or a 5. I cant litter...if i do i cant get it out of my head and i have to go back and pick it up, the only exception is fag ends for some reason. I cant kill spiders or crane flies in the house even though i want too cos they freak the sh*t out of me, i just cant bring myself to do it, i have no idea why. I have to catch them and put them outside. Cant stand on cracks, 3 drains, any patterns in carpets etc. I stack all the coins in my wallet when i'm at the pub so that they're in size order, biggest at the bottom and all the heads have to be facing the same way and perfectly in line. The coins all have to be perfectly central as well. I once went through a box of 5000 straws at my old work because some were face down. There's loads more Basically...im a freak haha. I feel sorry for my GF.