Yes you should lol.
Just to re-cap for everyone
Yes this is still happening, i'm not sure how many cars are going, there seems to be a few. We'll be meeting around half 6ish down Great Yarmouth sea front (Pleasure beach end). Its very easy to find, if your coming A47 way, just head to the acle straight at the end of the A47 follow the acle straight all the way down to the roundabout, go straight over it and the next one. Go through the first two sets of traffic lights (they're about 50m apart). Turn left at the third set (Sainsburys on your left.) Follow it round to another set of lights round the corner, go straight and it will lead you up to the sea front. Turn right when you hit the sea front as you'll be at the wrong end and drive right the way up until you see all the Supra's waving at you. Done. lol
Anyone else coming from a different direction let me know and me or lamboyello will give you directions as we live in the Yarmouth area. Dan