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Everything posted by Septic

  1. Septic

    Deus Ex 3

    Definitely getting this!
  2. Yeah that thread is infamous now. Unbelievable really.
  3. Not as geeky as me. I immediately thought of the Tesla Coil from Red Alert 2: http://files.ea.com/downloads/eagames/official/cc_firstdecade/redalert2/screens/2_lg.jpg
  4. Honestly, this made me jizz on my face. YOu need to see this. RIP COD Tq710zjUn1o
  5. Yeah I think the best thing to do is split the video into two parts unless you want to compromise on the sound quality.
  6. Ah man....here I was loving this thread and just realised its over a year old
  7. At least the Mrs will lay off you for a while Great news. You deserved it.
  8. Hey Dragonball- do you teach students on the LPC?
  9. Sorry to hear this mate. Hope it all goes well.
  10. I reckon you're either born with it or not. That's my only explantion for Senna. I haven't had any physically painful mistakes but I have made stupid ones such as forgetting to tighten my wheelbolts after lowering the car.....the results weren't so good.
  11. How long are your arms?! Pretty cool having Ben Collins for driver training. What was he like?
  12. Are you kidding me?? This kinda senseless B.S really pisses me off. Honestly, if I ever caught someone in the act doing that I would go all Saw III on them. Sorry to hear about this man. Hope everything gets sorted out soon.
  13. I've seen one in the flesh but I thought it was fugly. Still, each to their own.
  14. I actually prefer it with that spoiler. Those are my dream wheels and that is exactly what I was planning to do with a Supra OEM+
  15. I'm talking about looks. Bah this thread is fail. It should read 'Best looking Supra of 2011'.
  16. Yeah you're right. I can't change it though
  17. Lol look at you cheekily putting forward your own car. It is nice though. Yeah Ibrar's car does look like it will be mental but it isn't complete yet!
  18. Hey guys, Bored at work so I thought I'd ask your opinions on what you think is the best looking Supra on this forum (i.e which member here has the best looking Supra). I tried searching for a thread and couldn't come up with anything relevant (which is probably a testament to how retarded I am when it comes to using the search function). But regardless, lets see pics for your favourite Supra of 2011. My personal favourite (and a car that I will copy when I do get eventually get my Supra) is this one:
  19. Don't take it to heart mate- its just banter although some people take it too far by becoming keyboard warriors.
  20. You guys are being a bit harsh on him.
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