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Supra Articles
Everything posted by Septic
Wow Sky have a sh1te rating. But hold on...mine's not bad at all. Daaaaamn.
Wow amazing rado! I bet you weren't a stranger to edition38 then
Ah thanks CJ. It means a lot. Yeah it really is depressing but nothing much i can do except carrying on looking. Getting a Supra is a HUGE motivation for my job search
Good luck man. You never know, you might like the new profession
Ah thanks J. Yeah I have loads of mates in the same position. Its really disheartening. I did get a job offer to work abroad in Pakistan but its messed up there with the terrorism. Mind you...I did wanna go there and teach this Supra driver how to drive!!
Like I said in the other thread, it contradicts Islam as opposed to complying with it. The sanctity of marriage and the duty to uphold and respect both sides is quite enormous. The women has many rights over the man (and vice versa) so marriage at such an age would make it almost impossible to adhere to the aforementioned Islamic principles regarding marriage.
Ah damn you CJ!! My take on it is simple: Saudi's just take the p1ss when it comes to following Sharia. I just face-palm myself every time I read an article like that because 1) its Islamically ignorant and 2) it just serves to catalyse the misconceptions against Islam. In the article you posted its evident that: "The girl was married to her father’s cousin last year against her wishes and those of her mother." Also, the small notes below state that: "— In April 2009 a Saudi judge refused to annul a marriage between a girl, 8, and a man in his late forties, saying that she could not seek divorce until she reached puberty" She shouldn't have been married before she even reached puberty let alone getting her married against her wishes. What can I say CJ? There are 1.5 billion muslims in the world and inevitable there are going to be idiots that take the p1ss. Many people pervert Islam in order to get legitimacy for what they do (terrorists, men who abuse women etc) even though the Islamic view is clear on the matter. There is no place for stuff like this in the modern world, even an Islamic state. To be honest, I have NEVER come across anyone who has married someone so young or has multiple wives but you hear about it happening. There must be really backwards families because I struggle to comprehend what the mindset of these people are. I think the minimum age for marriage, reasonably would be around the age of 15 because in my opinion and according Islamic doctrine, that is the age (during these modern times) when people exhibit responsibility in general. My mum got married quite young at the age of 16 mind you. It wasn't forced or any of this bull btw. And I think my dad should file for divorce considering how badly my mum hits him
Wow Miguel that is amazing! A mag-feature with PVW is no easy thing to get!!! Respect!
I'm a huge fan especially after watching the Wangan Midnight anime
Ah stop moaning! At least you have a job. I have just finished my long painful education- degree in law (LLB), Masters in Law (LLM) and the dreaded Legal Practice Course to become a trainee solicitor. Shame then I can't find a job! All that money well spent!! Be careful by the way because, you need a huge Capital reserve as well as an EXTREMELY solid plan to execute your idea if you want to succeed let alone all the necessary skill, contacts, know-how, legal/accounts backing.
Lol no I dont have a bearded wife! Haven't seen my gf in a while though...I hope she's not let her standards slip *shudders* Ironically, I probably have less body hair than some women do on their arms.
Ah its not ignorance Andrew. A lot of people ask that. Peace be upon him, upon you, upon them. Its just a way to show respect to the Prophets, his companions and those who have died. Salamwalekum, the Islamic greeting, means "peace be upon you" Essentially P.B.U.Y as you state Blimey I'm gonna be shipped off to Guantanamo at this rate. I always get involved in these debates and end up sounding like a preacher.
Lol Thorin (peace be upon you). I tried my best to shorten it as much as possible but there is loads I could still mention on this. Essentially, at the end you'll realise that it is important to distinguish custom and traditions from faith. Regardless, it was an important question that I had to research myself.
I've answered your question. The reason i didn't answer was because, as you now know, Penguin answered the question. Bear in mind that this is a very deep debate in itself but the authority is clear on the matter.
Penguin answered your question, albeit briefly but clearly, from your response to a completely unrelated thread, you are still confused about the issue. So let me clarify: The Qur'an does not provide a numerical minimum as to the age of marriage. However, there are guidelines to be adhered to when getting married that would make it extremely difficult to successfully initiate such a marriage whilst staying true to core Islamic principles. Before I get into them, let me clarify this marriage at the age of 9 business and where the misconception arises from. Nowhere in the Qur'an (an entrenched and un-changeable scripture) is there any mention of this. The only authority to go on as to what age the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) married Aisha (p.b.u.h) is the Hadith (i.e sayings of the prophets recorded by his companions or others). Remember, the Qur'an overrides Hadith in the case of a conflict as there can be many doctored Hadiths whereas there is only one Qur'an (regardless of different sects). Prophet Muhammad and his marriage to Aisha (p.b.u.t) I’m going to try and explain this as clearly as possible to a non-muslim because there are various terminology you will be unaware of. This is where you will find the info: http://www.muslim.org/islam/aisha-age.htm There are two events to consider when considering Aisha’s marriage to the Prophet Muhammad- the nikah which is merely a betrothal and then the actual consummation of the marriage. The confusion stems here because some Hadiths suggest that the betrothal occurred when Aisha was aged 6 and consummation occurred when she was aged 9 whereas others contradict this. Moreover, logically dissecting the historical events that occurred you will observe that: It was in the tenth year of the Call, i.e. the tenth year after the Holy Prophet Muhammad received his calling from God to his mission of prophethood, that his wife Khadija passed away, and the approach was made to Abu Bakr for the hand of his daughter Aisha. Note that Khadija (p.b.u.h) is reported to have been 40 years old when Muhammad was only 25 years old. Even here people dispute Khadija’s age, some saying she was 3 years older than him others saying the former. It just goes to show that Hadith regarding these matters were unreliable. The hijra or emigration of the Holy Prophet to Madina took place three years later, and Aisha came to the household of the Holy Prophet in the second year after hijra. So if Aisha was born in the year of the Call, she would be ten years old at the time of the nikah and fifteen years old at the time of the consummation of the marriage. Also, as the aforementioned link provides- there’s even more evidence to suggest that she was even older at the time of her marriage. Here it goes into more detail. I wonder how much of this you understand considering the reliance on Islamic terminology and history but I’ll just paste the information for now: 1. The famous classical historian of Islam, Ibn Jarir Tabari, wrote in his ‘History’: “In the time before Islam, Abu Bakr married two women. The first was Fatila daughter of Abdul Uzza, from whom Abdullah and Asma were born. Then he married Umm Ruman, from whom Abdur Rahman and Aisha were born. These four were born before Islam.” Being born before Islam means being born before the Call. 2. The compiler of the famous Hadith collection Mishkat al-Masabih, Imam Wali-ud-Din Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Khatib, who died 700 years ago, has also written brief biographical notes on the narrators of Hadith reports. He writes under Asma, the older daughter of Abu Bakr: “She was the sister of Aisha Siddiqa, wife of the Holy Prophet, and was ten years older than her. … In 73 A.H. … Asma died at the age of one hundred years.” This would make Asma 28 years of age in 1 A.H., the year of the Hijra, thus making Aisha 18 years old in 1 A.H. So Aisha would be 19 years old at the time of the consummation of her marriage, and 14 or 15 years old at the time of her nikah. It would place her year of birth at four or five years before the Call. 3. The same statement is made by the famous classical commentator of the Holy Quran, Ibn Kathir, in his book Al-bidayya wal-nihaya: “Asma died in 73 A.H. at the age of one hundred years. She was ten years older than her sister Aisha.” In response to what is actually permissible in Islam- as I mentioned before, there is no minimum numerical age limit. However there are several conditions that have to be met: 1) The woman has to reach puberty before she can get married (essentially an age limit) 2) There has to be an agreement by both sides, i.e a contract about the terms- also, and this is something to consider especially with the rampant misconceptions: the contract can stipulate that the man will not marry another woman (also bear in mind that the Qur’an is the ONLY holy scripture on the face of the planet that stipulates that a man should have one wife) There are loads of Qur’anic verses about the criteria for marriage and the duties of a husband to a wife etc but I won’t go into details. In essence, I don’t really see how it would be possible to marry a 9 year old because EVEN if she reached puberty at such an age, she would have to be forced to get married (which does unfortunately happen). There are LOADS of conditions for marriage. I can answer any other questions you have regarding this. I will try my best.
What? I didn't notice that message where you asked that. I'll answer it now.
Yeah I agree that many of them are trailer-queens. A few of my mates and I however, drive our cars low and as dailies. The VAG scene is really good fun though. Just came across another vid- love the music and editing. I wish I had a camera like that!!
Nice R32 Gaz. Looks nice even in stock-guise. Well yeah Euro-modding is all about the stance and smoothed engine bays/ nice interiors etc. I guess its a bit marmite. I love it though. Mind you, the Jap scene is head and shoulders above it imo. I just prefer the DUB look really. Lol does everyone here own a Rado?! Lucky sods. What do you guys think of it as compared to the Supra? Is it even a comparison?
Ah fair-enough. Everyone to their own and all that.
Nice Gti Jimo! Yeah import > all to be honest Well most of the cars are on air-ride. I drive mine pretty low on coilovers and I haven't had much trouble (well apart from my splitter coming off....but that was a one-off!!) Nice Rado Jza!!
Oh and a cool video from the States. Watch all of it!
I was wondering what you guys thought about the whole DUB scene with VAG cars (VW, Audi, Seat etc). I'm into the scene and I think Euro-modding (i.e less is more-smoothing etc) is pretty cool. Here are some pics: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/6358/rrado1lj7.jpg http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/andrew2.jpg http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/sdobbins1.jpg http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/travy1.jpg http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/phonedials.jpg http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/MikeGilbert6.jpg http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Ducky3.jpg http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/miller3.jpg http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/u6u.jpg http://ll.speedhunters.com/u/f/eagames/NFS/speedhunters.com/Images/Raekelboom%20Kevin/DSC03669.jpg
Happy bday mate
It doesnt.