I know what you are trying to say but its not as simple as that.
Firstly, many normal Muslims disassociate themselves with the terrorists as much as normal non-muslims do so it would seem odd or insulting that they have to spell out to everyone that what the terrorists are doing is wrong. A basic knowledge of the Quran would confirm that Islam is a religion of peace.
In regards to ratting out wannabe terrorists; I've never actually met anyone in my life that I have thought would be a potential terrorist otherwise I would have reported them or tried to educate them myself. Even the Taliban folk I mention above (the ones I came across), they just seemed to have a disdain for western culture but never anything to suggest they would commit acts of terrorism.
If the people who committed the 9/11 attacks were brought before us, we Muslims would kick the living $h@7 out of them more than anyone else for all this b.s we all have had to go through. Then again, saying that, if I met George Bush or the Israeli P.M, I have a feeling my legal license would be revoked.
Please just think, think and think again. Don't get swept up in mob rule and sensationalist media headlines.