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Everything posted by Septic

  1. Lol yeah I'll be on briefly tonight. I'm not on that much. I've been loving Halo Reach but got really bored of it now. Matt H- you'd get raped against me on COD. I'm tempted to get a copy on PS3 just to prove it 3 more Nukes and I have a 100!! Oh yeah!
  2. I think Tooley and a couple others on here are the only legit 10th prestiges. I've played about 11 days I reckon. I'm 7th or 8th prestige. Stopped playing recently because of Halo Reach and MGS4 but shall be back on tonight.
  3. Lol hey I don't play it as much as some of the people on here (*cough DLA *cough). In fact, I haven't played COD MW2 that much at all. But yeah, I know its sad getting moist for COD, but I don't care- Kleenex at the ready.
  4. You are a bit of a camper Havard lol. All I have to do is look at the minimap and look at teh blue arrow that's facing the same direction for the past 15 minutes and know its you Mind you, you do play on Hardcore so its important to do it really for map control. Man I'm so bored here at work....I can't wait for this!!!!
  5. 360 for me. Can't.....wait....jizz....building....up....
  6. There will be a few good deals in the run-up to its release. I hope Tesco do the kind of offer they did with MW2 on release day. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Yeah it has 3D functionality but you sacrifice some visual quality when you have it enabled. I'm not convinced that 3D is the way to go just yet. It seems a bit of a gimmick to me but you never know...
  8. I love the AE86 but I do think he has priced it quite high. Mind you, it is a classic and these go for a lot. Very rare here, I haven't actually seen one yet!
  9. I use it and it definately makes a difference. I find myself struggling to eat enough or eating the right food like you do and this really helps me. I'd recommend it.
  10. http://ares.chairmanlol.com/content/19751/resized/e7c4a799c100ff16e5fc9d2ef6f96181.jpg?1267429988 Lol. I love someone's caption for this pic on the site: "CHICKANZ"
  11. http://icarus.chairmanlol.com/content/12194/resized/87400960_89fc318077_o.jpg?1267156078 Lol wtf?!
  12. http://poseidon.chairmanlol.com/content/503/resized/engrish-funny-1221796921-56351.jpg?1267161117 http://ares.chairmanlol.com/content/601/resized/engrish-funny-1226111767-8467.jpg?1267022881 http://icarus.chairmanlol.com/content/5065/resized/bumblasts.jpg?1267085613 http://ares.chairmanlol.com/content/19753/resized/Iiujs.jpg?1267430082
  13. http://www.chairmanlol.com I've been cracking up at these all day. I know some of these are reposts but I'm sure many of you haven't seen all of them (I hope!) http://hades.chairmanlol.com/content/34039/resized/engrish.jpg?1284175686 http://poseidon.chairmanlol.com/content/19752/resized/fa23f905d7ca289a8889334133639f2c.jpg?1267430013 http://icarus.chairmanlol.com/content/33620/resized/pleasedonttouch.jpg?1283573336 http://zeus.chairmanlol.com/content/18342/resized/anal.jpg?1267098793 http://aphrodite.chairmanlol.com/content/8008/resized/wtf-turkey.jpg?1267098794 http://hades.chairmanlol.com/content/5400/resized/shoesonface.jpg?1267074100 http://dionysus.chairmanlol.com/content/15433/resized/deformed.jpg?1267149936 Lol there are loads. Just check them out.
  14. Happy bday bro Have a great one
  15. Septic


    This is filmed just down the road from me. I haven't watched it yet.
  16. Oh man I can't wait for this!!! The customisation options are brilliant and there really is no limit to what you can create. It is a double-edged sword though because you're bound to get kids creating phallus-life emblems etc but cool regardless! Not long to go now! w0_r4-eTmlA
  17. The rat look on new cars just looks plain wrong imo. The old Mk1 and Mk II Golfs can look cool 'ratted up' though.:
  18. So sorry to hear this. Rip AlanM. My deepest thoughts and condolences to you and your family
  19. Septic


    Yeah this is regarding my Desire- for some reason my pics get reduced in quality and size when sending them over Whatsapp but other people's pics (people using the Iphone) don't get reduced in size/quality. Maybe this is happening because the android version is in the beta stages? I was wondering if other HTC Desire users suffered from the same problem.
  20. Septic


    This app is a must for anyone with a smartphone. Basically its free texting, pic/video/sound messaging and more. I have a small query for those that have the app though; when I send pictures via Whatsapp to my contacts the pictures always get reduced in size. Other people's pics are bigger. I'm using the Desire by the way. Does anybody know why this is?
  21. Really? I haven't seen a single advert for it on TV. How come there are no reviews of the Sports game on ign etc?
  22. Right so MOVE is out then. It's so odd though that Sony have hardly advertised it and I have hardly read any review on its games.
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