Hey guys,
Thanks to the likes of Geo and others on here, my life has basically been work and gym. I can't thank you guys enough (especially Sdistic and Geo) on the gym advice. I'm aiming to get a six pack before June and I was wondering if any of you had any decent advice on here regarding it. My current workout regime is:
Monday: Legs (Triceps if I have the energy). Squats, Leg Press and Calf Raise
Tuesday: Chest and Biceps. Chest= DB or BB Press, Incline and Flys. Biceps= Preacher curls, Hammers and Pull ups
Thursday: Shoulders and Tris
Friday: Back (Deadlift, Bent Over Row, Lat pulldown etc)
My current diet is: Breakfast- Protein Shake (Whey Protein) and some fruit. Lunch= Tuna/mayo sandwich on brown bread. Gym. Then Protein shake and some chicken dish with a tiny bit of rice.
I started boxing lessons from a personal semi-pro boxing trainer a month ago and it is unbelievably difficult yet really satisfying and addictive.
I know a good diet is key to getting a six pack but was hoping you guys could guide me as to what I should be doing to get those killer abs. Any help would be much appreciated.