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Everything posted by Septic

  1. Has anyone noticed how James May has become more relaxed and actually seems to enjoy himself these past two episodes as compared to before? Although I do feel for him after he smacked his head....that looked painful.
  2. Good post Adnan The major issue with Christmas is that, at its core its actually a pagan ritual as opposed to a Christian one as you guys have already mentioned. Its an amalgamation of a number of festivals during the winter solstice such as Saturnalia, Sol Invinctus and Yule. Adnan summed it up pretty well; I did partake in Secret Santa at work though; imagine me saying that I don't believe in Xmas so I won't be getting you guys gifts!
  3. Haha Paul you muppet. I'm no fudge packer! I'm gonna get some of these now. You've tempted me.
  4. Not a problem mate. They do look a little suspect though so I'll give it a few days and see if you're still posting on here before I order some
  5. http://uk.cars.yahoo.com/21122010/36/amazing-six-wheel-supercar-debuts-0.html http://l.yimg.com/i/ng/sh/carenthu/20101221/11/1717914207-amazing-six-wheel-supercar-debuts.jpg?x=472&y=224&q=80&sig=_KB0HOy6kDv.tfrwsLRFzQ-- http://l.yimg.com/i/ng/sh/carenthu/20101221/11/98021107-amazing-six-wheel-supercar-debuts.jpg?x=472&y=354&q=80&sig=fkM3xp9RK6YETpRfd.b5Gw-- I think that just looks wrong. Its like the Barryboys of 'supercars'.
  6. Its been too long. I'm tired of watching the same episodes on Dave!
  7. Septic

    Lego Black Ops

    That is brilliant. The creator has some serious skills.
  8. http://www.noob.us/entertainment/perfectly-safe-russian-slide/ Absolutely mental!!
  9. You have to commend a soldier like that. Others would have taken the shot but this guy made the right decision and waited. What a scumbag that guy is for using a kid as a hostage (if what is reported is true). Bravo to the soldier.
  10. Clapyohandz- can you please change your avatar. I find it very difficult at work when I post on here, look at that picture and find that I'm unable to stand for 2 minutes.
  11. He did survive but had other problems with a rat in his office. It wasn't Jazz though Have you seen a doctor? It will be mayhem this weekend and getting an appointment for Monday wil be quite difficult I suspect.
  12. I missed this episode!! I'm going to try and watch it at work
  13. That's brilliant. It actually isn't that pricey. I know its entry level but its a Corsair. I hate being on edge every time I use my pc. WoW runs on Ultra setting effortlessly and everything is just so fast its brilliant. Going back to the work computers is hell after this!
  14. Wow got it running and I am impressed! Everything looks so crisp on my HDTV! I'm getting paid next week so will be getting a COrsair PSU (probably this one): http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&expIds=17050,25657,26486,26490,27951&xhr=t&q=corsair+650w+psu&cp=11&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=17149408456935883692&ei=c40GTeaVLsa2hAe7_ojtBw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCYQ8wIwAA# The last thing I need is for my PC to explode! THanks for all the help guys! Will be sending you guys goodies for the help
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