For the past month we've been hearing noises in our loft. We suspected birds or rats, we weren't sure but the voices were quite loud. We called the local council pest control to sort it out. A few weeks later and we were still hearing noises and now the water cooler thingy is leaking badly into the bathroom.
The noises ceased the past few days and now there is a lot of water leaking down. The council pest control people came by yesterday and said they couldn't find anything.
Well I decided to investigate the leak as it is getting quite bad. The first thing I notice is how bad a smell was coming from the lost and as I use my phone flash light to see what is causing the leak I instantly notice:
How the council people didn't notice that I have no idea. It's obviously very damp and that rat decomposing there can't be a good thing. I don't want to touch that thing though! It's huge and disgusting! Council aren't available on weekends. Money well spent.... What should I do? Free Orios for anyone willing to come get that thing out of my house! There might be more too!