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Everything posted by Septic

  1. Still waiting on Share Play to be added... And all the media support. And the Twitch update. - - - Updated - - - Still waiting on Share Play to be added... And all the media support. And the Twitch update.
  2. Yeah it has received mixed reviews. To be honest, I think a lot of reviewers are being a bit too harsh on it. Its still a laugh if you play with your mates though.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQFiWpp5Y5w Forza Horizon 2 looks set to destroy the competition this year. Notice the Supra in the video Can't wait.
  4. Whilst the PS4 struggles to get even the most basic media format support, the Xbox One gets this: Xbox One compatible file types: 3gp audio 3gp video 3gp2 aac adts animated gif asf avi divx avi dv avi uncompressed avi xvid bmp jpg gif h264 avchd mjpeg mkv mov mp3 mpeg 1 ps mpeg 2 mpeg 2 hd mpeg 2 ts mpeg 4 h264 aac mpeg 4 sp png tiff wav wma wma lossless wma pro wma voice wmv wmv hd Ye, even mkv! http://news.xbox.com/2014/08/xbox-one-system-update-september-preview Scott. Go buy the Xbox One
  5. We had a massive debate about whether or not the PS4 has any decent games in 2014. Things got a little heated lol. Warning, contains some extreme nerd rage (and a little NSFW language): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNw3E4TtRkQ
  6. I've got both and to be honest...I haven't touched either one in abour 2 weeks. Says it all really. I think, the next-gen will truly begin this March when Titanfall, Infamous, Watchdogs, Metal Gear Solid and others drop by. Then s*** will get real.
  7. Now Tomb Raider: The Definitive version is supposed to run at 60fps on PS4 and 30fps on the Xbox One. Looks like the Xbox One can't catch a break! Ah well, there's always this:
  8. The single player is completely uninspired. Apart from the inclusion of the OWL, I'm struggling to think of a single thing that makes this anything more than a derivative shooter. Silly scripted on rail sections, cheap over used tactics like throwing a shed led of enemies at you, last encounter was lame, poor voice acting, missed potential with the confusing narrative, it was just mediocre. MP is perfect? You get 7-8 shoddy maps with 3 classes that aren't even that great. They've stripped it down massively from the Killzone 2 and 3. No auto aim is not a problem when you play on a map like Park for instance, and all that involves is spawn camping. Just work your way to the enemy spawn area, park a turrent in one lane and shoot at the doorway leading out of the spawn. I said the graphics are great so why you're comparing it to something as lackluster as cod is beyond me. The game was blatantly rushed to release. Looking at the list of things the devs are supposed to add later from community feedback shows that.
  9. Got both and gotta say, Killzone is terrible. Absolutely mediocre game. Completed the game on hard and it has the most lackluster campaigns in recent years. MP is completely hollow. Visuals are great though. Xbox Ones install times and update installation are a joke. Can't be bothered with them. The Xbox One is a great machine but I prefer the PS4 at the moment. In terms of exclusive games though, the X1 smashes the PS4 for now. Check out me going hands on with the Kinect and raging lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml530Z7t8FU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml530Z7t8FU
  10. Loving the Xbox one. Voice commands take a bit of getting used to. I've got the ps4 pre ordered too but gonna sell that before xmas. Might make a profit unlike the Wii U!
  11. The reviews for the PS4 launch have been mediocre. I think the X1 is where it's at. Less than a week left!! http://www.gameondaily.com/playstation-4-greatness-delayed/
  12. You guys should be talking about this more!
  13. Nope. That won't be possible unless done via cloud streaming (like SOny's Gaikai service that's launching in the US next year). The Xbox One's x86 architecture prevents it from running 360 games.
  14. A bit of shameless attention but we're the first people in the world to show the UI and snap feature in the real world oh yeah! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWIr5HUEP0c Everyone from kotaku to engadget reported on it. Even Microsoft had to respond to the video: http://www.gameondaily.com/albert-panello-clarifies-xbox-one-user-interface-and-snap-mode-features/
  15. Titanfall confirmed for release on 11th March 2014! That's it...getting the Xbox One. New trailer below
  16. Nope it was running on the Xbox One consoles. I had a word with DICE as well and they confirmed the same.
  17. Yeah that's a good point; we don't really know smooth the interface and options on both consoles actually work in real life.
  18. Drive Club better than Forza?! What have you been smoking! Forza obliterates it in every department, frame-rate, visuals, gameplay....everything! "At Eurogamer this year ALL next gen multiplatform games were running on PS4's" That's not true. Battlefield 4 was running on the Xbox One. I was there! The game of the show was easily Titanfall. It obliterated the competition. Yeah it probably will end up on the PS4 later but you cannot deny that one of the most anticipated FPS' is coming to the X1 (and PC). I played the game and it was incredible! I did a video interview with the Community Manager: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqZAsRD5hgM I like the PS4 controller. The PS3 controller was complete utter turd in my opinion; it felt like a hollow piece of plastic with terrible triggers and analog sticks. The DS4 has stepped it up. But if you're a FPS fan Havard, you will want to get the XBox One because that controller is still miles better in my opinion for shooters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjDyQfj9pzY I'm still torn between the two consoles though; the PS4 is the better console and PS+ makes a mockery of Xbox Live as far as value for money is concerned. But I prefer the launch line-up of the X1. I've pre-ordered both but will probably sell the PS4 for some extra cash and then buy it after Xmas.
  19. The new consoles are coming in just over a month! I can't wait but I'm torn between which of the two to keep (pre-ordered both). I intend to have both in due course anyway but might sell one for a profit over Xmas. Which console are you guys picking and why?
  20. I got told the same thing too; that they only offer insurance for cars used in motorsports etc so I couldn't even get a quote from them. :S
  21. I don't get it....I'm getting hammered by insurance companies. Just bought a BMW 3 Series Coupe and I just got a quote from Graham Sykes for over £2k (both fully comp and third party!). I'm 26 with 3 years NCB (almost 4) and no claims/points on licence. ARGH!!! Why??!
  22. Septic

    Xbox 360

    I know. I miss the good ol days of decimating people and getting tactical nukes in under 3 minutes lol.
  23. Septic

    Htc one x

    That's where iPhones really trump the HTC, battery life. There is no way my phone would even last the whole day let alone two. That's why I have a charger at home, in my car and at work
  24. Septic

    Htc one x

    Oh man....hope that doesn't happen to me! It does feel really delicate though. Last year my HTC Desire was faulty (overheating mobo which kept restarting the phone) and HTC were messing me around with repairs (two months of me chasing them up) so I sent them a letter from my law firm's letterhead and they gave me a HTC Desire and HTC Desire HD so if the same happens again, I'll be writing to them in the hope that I get two of these beauties The current generation of iphones have NOTHING on this. Compare the two side by side and it feels like a generational leap. Although with that being said, if anything, I feel that the Galaxy S3 and this phone will prompt Apple to release the iPhone 5 and that will probably be in another league if past trends are anything to go by.
  25. Septic

    Htc one x

    If you guys haven't already done so, you have to check this phone out; it is amazing. I went into Carphone Warehouse and the moment I saw the phone I knew I had to have it. It makes my Desire HD look like an old brick in comparison! It is so sleek, unbelievably light and its display is something that needs to be seen to be believed. Honestly, the picture clarity is so good I thought at first there was a sticker stuck on to the screen! It has a HD screen (720p) which is HUGE and streaming Netflix on it is brilliant. With a quad core processor, it is a beast in terms of technical specs. I know the Galaxy S3 is out soon and that looks even more technically impressive but I am a vain sod; the One X (especially in white) is really sleek. I'm going to get the wireless HDMI adapter so I can stream content from my phone onto my TV/PC. The only downsides are; the battery life (HTC need to sort this out), the battery isn't removable (which explains why the phone is so light) and no SD slot (why??). But I'm willing to forgive its shortcomings because honestly, it is an amazing phone.
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