Hi again
Old Thread: http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?243750-Sticky-idle-when-driving.
(1993 TT6 j-spec)
Just been testing and checking it this weekend and this is the sitiuation:
Start from cold is fine and the revs will not hold and drop down normaly as the engine warms up to around 7-800 rpm.
When driving, and the engine is warm, then once you press the clutch, then the revs will hold anywhere between 1300-1900 rpm, until a quick blip on the throttle and the revs drop down til just under 1000 rpm.
It is 100% not the cable, and it will also hold the revs, when you are just standing still and keep the revs at 1500 and release the throttle.
I have checked the O2 sensor and got a reading around +0.8 - 0.9 v, so it running a bit rich, so I have ordered a new O2 sensor, but could that be cause?
I am going to clean the Idle control valve one of the next days also, but if a quick blip on the throttle can "fix" it, then it would be strange, that the ICV could be cause.. I am right?
Any input would be great:search: