That's because hes the voice of a leader and no beating around the bush, he says, he does and get it done! Something of which our PM lacks, unless you are a fan of something like Fox hunting..
People will disagree with me but that's why he had over 8 mil votes and I know many people wanted to vote him but votes conservatives just so labor wouldn't win!
During the election we always hear how parties will do this.... and make that better, but where would the money come from to do this? Taxes, but they wouldn't say.
When Ukip were up and the expenses for the improving services like hospitals ect, Nigel Farage made it clear it would be pulling from the EU is were the money would come from and we will save BILLIONS!! about £118billion per year to be more accurate
Out of the EU all way!!! Imagine that £118 billion going into schools and the emergency services, VAT could be lowered which UKIP wanted to do.
Lets see Britain somewhat Britain again! And let our leaders decide what is best for the UK not some board of douchbags