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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by jk136

  1. I was once sitting in a restaurant in Bristol with a few friends, when a people carrier pulled into the space next to mine which was pretty tight. As I glanced out, I saw the fella pulling a funny face and looking at the side of my car. I kept looking out to see what he was doing and after a few moments I saw him put a bit of paper under my windscreen wiper. At that point I went outside and and asked what he had done. Turns out his little daughter had slammed her door into my car, and and left a 6 inch crease down the 3/4 panel. He was leaving a note with his insurance details on it.... Fair play I thought, and since I had walked out, he said 'How much do I owe you for doing that mate?' Took a look and said 'I dunno, £80?' To which the bloke walked with me to a cash point without complaining and drew it out! If only all people were considerate like that, good on him!
  2. No snow up my neck of the woods Russ. Bright sunshine here on Sheppey at the moment!!
  3. Black with Veilside Wing and black/polished rims, in Clackett Lane - Saturday 6th Feb Just inside the sliproad. Anyone?
  4. Still after one peeps. Missed out on Hodges one
  5. Still coming on well mate...whens the bumper going back on?
  6. He went down easier than Ronaldo! Needs to man-up!
  7. Its good that both you guys who posted pictures of your accidents can reflect back and take something positive from a negative and ensure you drive sensibly from then on. I also noticed that Shima60 said: 'must be a thing with honda's ' Had VTEC kicked in yO?
  8. World in Conflict is awesome. Didnt turn it off until I completed it!
  9. They said they could hear his screaming above the sound of the furnace. Like 115db+. He said later in hospital that another 3 seconds and his body would have given up! You cant imagine the hell he would have gone through! He said he just tucked into a ball waiting for the inevitable to happen!
  10. I am naturally an optimistic person, so I do think good things can only be around the corner. Glass half full...that kind of thing. Just didnt expect what happened to my dad to be so quick. He got diagnosed on 5th November (day after my birthday), operated on 18th November which removed 98% of the tumor which was 40mm diameter. Quite literally within 2 hours of the op he was back to normal...like a miracle! And back home after 2 days! Then over Christmas he dropped back off again until we found out on 4th Jan that they werent going to do treatment as he was too weak - from taking steriods for the brain swelling. I think inside he knew it would be a matter of weeks at that point, so came home, had lunch and dinner and as we went to put him to bed he said 'Im not ready to go'. It breaks my heart thinking about that now. Next morning, my mum called me saying she couldnt wake him up for his medication...and that was pretty much it.
  11. Seem nothings gone right this year so far. My dad passed away on the 10th January after developing a brain tumor. He was 67 and fit as a fiddle. I sat as his bedside for 5 days while he was in a coma and slowly slipped away. Whilst I was there, one of the guys I worked with had a serious accident and got severly burned. He was working on a crane that operates over a furnace. He didnt take the control box with him to do some maintenance, and they started up with him up there. Luckly he had his protective gear on which saved 90% of his body but he still got burned on the face and hands and will require skin grafts. (The furnace operating temperature is upwards of 1560 degrees and he was right above it) And I came in to work today to find another of my rugby mates has had an accident. Some kind of door has 'fallen off' and hit him on the back of his leg and torn his calf in 2....lots of claret everywhere and now hes in hospital. I contacted him and he said they are having trouble closing the wound! Surely it cant get any worse than this.....except maybe the funeral next Tuesday for my old man! How can a year start so badly?? Surely rule of 3 applies and it can only get better eh!!
  12. Lovely looking car mate, at a great price! Id be interested if I had that kind of cash. (searches in pockets for some money)
  13. Cheers Russ. Treatment starts on Wednesday. Fingers crossed eh!
  14. 1/ Started and completed 4 year Engineering Apprenticeship 2/ Bought a house to renovate 3/ Gave the renovated house to my ex 4/ Met my current gf Vikki 5/ Travelled to lots of places all over the world 6/ Was nearly a firefighter, made it to final 80 from 3000, but didnt make the cut. 7/ Got a job training apprentices. 8/ Bought the Supra. 9/ Became senior player in rugby squad, and now 1st team captain. 10/ 'Saved my dads life' (doctors words) by taking him to hospital when he didnt seem well, to find he had a 40mm brain tumor.
  15. As above for J-Spec N/a Auto. Cheap as possible, 2nd hand is fine. My one has got a bit noisy over the last few weeks. Think bearing is on its way out. Cheers
  16. Black with polished lip looks on a silver car. I have that on mine, take a look in my garage...
  17. Me likey! Just need my wheels mate
  18. I was once watching a rugby match on TV with my old man and my ex. I walked out of the room for a few seconds to get a drink, then suddenly heard a loud cheer come from the living room...I dashed back in and asked what had happened to which my ex replied 'Wales just scored!' I said, 'who was it?' She said 'that fella called Cymru'. I didnt have the heart to tell her that Cymru was welsh for Wales! My own personal favourite was talking to one of my mates 'girlfriends' and saying - I recognise you from somewhere....Ive come across your face before. I didnt realise what I said at first...but it left my mates in stitches!!
  19. The local rag has published our story. Heres the article the was uploaded online: 'Forget Daley Thompson - a rugby team will soon be sporting their own wild and wacky moustaches. Fifteen members of Sheppey Rugby Club are taking part in a world-wide event to grow a moustache for charity. The event is Movember, an annual, month-long celebration of the moustache, to raise money and highlight men's health issues. On November 1, the squad will all be clean shaven and their month-long challenge to grow and style their moustache however they choose will begin. The club, which is based in Lower Road, Minster, has decided to take part in the event after one of the members joined in with it in New Zealand last year. It will be a new look for the team, who are known as The Sheppey Rams, as none of them have moustaches. They hope to raise about £500 which will go towards the Prostate Cancer Charity. John Kelly, first team captain, said: "There's a style guide online - some of them are going for a trucker look and some think they might go for the businessman. "A couple might go freestyle - which can be anything. "We are looking forward to it - but I'm not sure if I'm going to look good with a moustache." To sponsor the team, pop into the rugby club or you can donate online by visiting http://www.movember.com. Click on donate then search for team name The Rams.' (Sorry about the poor pics, I 'borrowed' them off the local papers website) Im in the middle of the front row wearing the white t-shirt holding the poster: Pic of my brother with his 'practice Mo' on his phone...Im peering over his shoulder, again in the white t-shirt:
  20. Haha, no problem mate. The whole of my rugby team are doing it...we collected a fair bit last weekend on a walk around after the match. And the local newspaper have been notified and have sent out a reporter to cover the story. Hoping to hit the 1k mark...if we do, Ill be well happy!
  21. Evening all, Ive decided I am going to grow a moustache this year for Movember. I have decided to put down my razor for one month (November) and help raise awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate cancer. (and for a bit of fun too) I, myself will be sporting the classic handlebar mo (AKA the Hulk Hogan/Paul Snr from American Chopper) but with a slight twist, I will not only be doing this for the good cause but to provide entertainment at my own expense by looking like a idiot for a month! What many people don’t appreciate is that one man dies every hour of prostate cancer in the UK, more than 35,000 men will be diagnosed this year and that prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK. Facts like these have convinced me I should get involved and I am hoping that you will support me. To donate to my Mo, you can either: • Click this link http://uk.movember.com/mospace/38345/ and donate online using your credit card, debit card or PayPal account • Write a cheque payable to ‘The Prostate Cancer Charity - Movember’, referencing my Registration Number 38345 and mailing it to: Movember - The Prostate Cancer Charity, First Floor, Cambridge House, Cambridge Grove, London, W6 0LE. Whether it be £2 or £50 any money will be greatly appreciated and you will get knowledge that you could have helped to save a life!........So dig deep and spare some cash for a good cause. Movember is now in its third year here in the UK and, to date, has achieved some pretty amazing results by working alongside The Prostate Cancer Charity. Check out further details at: http://uk.movemberfoundation.com/research-and-programs. If you are interested in following the progress of my Mo, click here http://uk.movember.com/mospace/38345/. Also, http://uk.movember.com has heaps of useful information. I will provide updated photos on my Mo-space profile and will upload them in this thread at requests. Thanks John (JK136)
  22. Hahaha, excellent! Im a fork lift truck trainer, and this gets a laugh everytime I show it as an icebreaker!!
  23. 2 that really get to me are - people who are looking for a space in a busy car park, only to see you walking towards your car full laden with (girlfriends) bags...then they sit there indicating, putting pressure on you to get out your space soon as possible. I just sit there now, get keys out, retune the radio, re adjust mirrors etc etc and make them wait longer. The other one is people who bring buggies/double buggies to shopping centres and shops. It gets right on my nerves when they are coming towards you and make no attempt to move, so you have to step to one side, let them pass only for them to run over your foot without an apology! Plus they block aisle and doorways with no regard for other people!
  24. Haha, I was walking (staggering) across Maidstone Bridge on my way to Liquid! Hence why you wouldnt have seen me!
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