I took it to there garage to get fixed, they had it for 4 hours on a saturday then rang me to say they couldnt work on high performance cars, rang garage up where i bought car to tell them, there shut for the day and not open sundays.
rung monday, got told another garage they have can do it. took it there they cant work on high performance, im at work all week so that is 2 weekends gone trying to find somewhere to do this. monday comes i tell them (where i got car) that im finding my own garage and they can pay (they say they wont pay if i go through a garage they dont no), i book it in at my own garage and pay around £80 out my own back pocket for oil top up, wheel alignment and a engine management check. all done, so the garage turn round and say (the one i found) that i need brakes flushing out etc and need startor motor fixing, i asked them to look at why its overheating but cant fit me in till middle of week, i cant go cos im at work AGAIN so i plan to take it up at the weekend, ring garage where i bought car and again they dont cover brakes etc (which i gathered because its wear and tear) and by this point 4 weekends have passed endless garages and im out around £100. get car booked in for this weekend, to late leak gets worse an rad goes. now its been towed away and at a garage and the one i bought car from wont pay a penny