It is bad though, last november we had a 10 year word of mouth job security as we where set to make profit, 4 months later 50% of the staff made redundant to cut costs. the house prices only really affect first time buyers as its harder to get on the ladder but if you have the cash its easy to buy one for cheap. if your already on the ladder it sounds bad but it doesnt really matter, you can have a 90,000 house worth 60,000 but just move out into another 60,000 house which obviously will be exactly the same. house prices will always go up and down and its not a major deal really. the worst part of the country at the moment is the lack of jobs or oppotunities for people thats costing us. technology has cut so many jobs as they do it for you, internet stores are closing down high street stores by cutting the cost of going in store. to be honest we invent things and we all contribute to our own demise im afraid.