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  1. I've had the car 20 yrs and never touched or messed with them,do you still think they could have moved.Is there more than one fuse for the trac control do you know.Cheers.
  2. Has anybody found the solution for this yet.I've replaced both the main and trac ECU and still have the trac light on permanently and Manu mode doesn't work.I get nothing at all when I bridge T1 and E1,but a code 53 when bridging for trac faults.
  3. dash

    Auto ECU

    Do you know if Mike tested all the wires when trying to solve the issue.Harry off here has tested mine and can't find any issues.According to what I've read it's either the trac or efi wires,or the ECU.Would you will willing to send your original one just to see if that shows up the same fault, I would of course cover all the postage costs.
  4. dash

    Auto ECU

    Hi Burna,would you like to buy your ECU back then.The car runs sweet,just think it won't get through the mot with the warning lights on.From what I've read it more likely a problem in the wiring than the ECU.Would using a link ECU work if it's the wiring that's dodgy.
  5. dash

    Auto ECU

    It's a uk spec auto.The code 53 is from the traction control diagnostic,I can't get any codes or the engine management light flashing as in no codes from trying the engine diagnostics.This is another ECU and showing the same issues as the previous one.Its a nightmare.
  6. dash

    Auto ECU

    I'm running the stock ecu.My issues are the trac light and engine management light staying on permanently and no manu mode.When bridging the diagnostic port in the engine get no response at all when using the pins for the engine codes.When using the pins for the traction control codes im getting a code 53.
  7. dash

    Auto ECU

    Did changing the relay sort the problems out.Cheers.
  8. dash

    Auto ECU

    Hi,what symptoms were you getting with your ECU if you don't mind me asking.
  9. dash


    Is that not for a full flush,not just a filter change.
  10. dash


    Hi Matt,yeah I've read a few of those topics,very helpful and informative.Gave me the confidence to drop my transmission pan,clean solenoids etc.Just nothing about how much fluid approximately you need after changing the filter,dropping the pan.Ive put 3 in already and still only on the cold mark,when normally there's only 2 litres in the sump.Cheers.
  11. dash


    Thanks,but that's for the manual gearbox mines is the TT auto.
  12. My autobox has been playing up,I've took the sump off,changed the filter and resealed the sump.Ive put 3 litres of ATF in,yet when checking the level after warming the engine up and going through the gears the level is only on the cold measurement.I thought the sump only had 2 litres in.Can anybody please tell me approximately how much I need.Thanks.
  13. Are these genuine Toyota Josh. Cheers, Craig.
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